I just got home from the PA trip, where the days all seem to have blurred together. I think I'll just take this in events rather than days, so pay attention.
The Babe
Sunday night, Chris' plan was to call us after Monday's appointments to give us the status. Monday morning came around, and the water broke. At about 8:55 am on the 19th, baby Mia came into the world.
Now this is what bothers me. Chris is adopted, so he carries the same last name as I do. Since Mia wasn't a boy and the mom probably won't be having any more kids, Mia carries Chris' last name to keep the family name going. However, being that Chris is adopted, he doesn't even have the same genetic material as I do. Therefore, Mia has been given a label that doesn't accurately describe the genetic material contained within. Not that I'd be carrying on the name, just the genetic material...
The mom came home on Wednesday, and we pretty much stayed at the house for the rest of the trip.
The Job
Work didn't have me scheduled for the rest of the week and the whole week following, so when I came home from the 3-hour tour, I told mom I could leave whenever. Since that didn't cover the start of this week, I tried calling the store this past Saturday night to get my hours. Twice, someone hung up the phone. I know that because I heard a non-beeping *click* before my keypad lit up. Peeved, I didn't bother calling again.
This morning around 11:15, I got a call asking if I knew I had to work today. I told the person that I was out of town on a family emergency, that I had tried calling but got nothing. "Well, then we're going to have to get someone to cover your hours." I stopped in tonight when we got back in town so I could get my check and my hours, and I was only scheduled from noon to 4 pm today. A lousy 4 hours! So after getting my schedule, I walked past two assistant managers and two Media Dept. employees... but ask me if I really cared at that point. I would've loved a confrontation so I could rip into someone about the phone hang-ups, as well as the lack of hours and scheduling in general.
Like mom said, apparently I'm not in there enough to be remembered. Like I said in reply, they only remember me when I'm in blue and khaki.
I'm peeved about Wal-Mart and getting the run-around again. The thing is, as I start to think I'm better than Best Buy, I then start thinking I'm better than retail sales in general. I start recalling the places where I had it good, like downtown when I was humiliated/trained. I have much respect for Alan, for my managers at Media Play,... for anyone who's actually worked with me to make me better, not just thrown me in front of the bus. For anyone who saw my potential and pushed me, even though I know I haven't been the most cooperative. I know I can be so much better. The problems I now face are the lack of credentials and a terrible economy. If I can get past those issues, maybe even sidestep and get around them long enough to have my foot in someone's door, I feel I can accomplish something great.
The Bro
Chris and I actually behaved ourselves this week. The worst of it was Monopoly, which is something that Chris will always win. Well, almost always. Not only did he end up having to sell his houses and what not, he also ended up in the hole and out of the game. The kicker? I outlasted everyone else for the win of the game. Chris was peeved, and he accused me of taunting him and rubbing it in. Actually, we were all talking and laughing the next day about Chris' tantrum.
I fixed his computer. Apparently, a trojan or two caused a minor amount of damage. Combofix, HijackThis,.... updated AVG Free... and whatever else seemed like a good idea. The next day, the girlfriend was having error messages saying that _____.dll couldn't be found. Of course not! Combofix deleted the puppies. Ran Combofix again the next day, which cleared out a few more files. Went into the girlfriend's account, into msconfig, and turned off the startups that were calling the missing .dll files. I had also started a virus scan which took care of one infection, not sure if that was my virus or not. To think, I wasn't getting paid for something I could fix, but where I am getting paid, I'm treated as if I'm not valuable.
The Other Little Girl
"But honey, you'll be bored..." When I heard Chris' girlfriend say that to her daughter, I knew I had to do something. So when the girl came over, I called her upstairs to play Wii for a while.
Well, the next morning, she was up at 8 and wondering when I'd be up so she could play Wii some more. She wanted to play games quite often. Well, I know at the age of 7, it's understandable. Problem was, if she didn't win or couldn't get through something, she'd get upset. So Chris told me to let her win... which I did, to an extent. A few times, I did team-based things so that even if she didn't do too well, I could cover her or at least say that I did terrible as well. But rather than make it win-lose, do-or-die, I wanted to push her a bit, at least try and see what she could accomplish if she tried. I still helped out in places, and even lost lives in the process myself (I got too cocky in SM Galaxy in stages I had previously completed). But like any video game I've played, I tried to get through it. Yeah I've failed... I can't do platform jumping to save myself, but oddly enough it doesn't keep me from trying again, making mistakes in places I've gotten past before, et cetera.
The fact that I managed to click so well with this girl got the girlfriend talking to mom about it, and mom told stories about how I've been the one to play with my cousins' kids when the adults just give them toys and watch them, like the kids are a newly-released DVD. Hey, I'd sit at the kids' table any day. You won't hear them gossip like their life is immaculate, like the adults who dish out everyone else's dirt but hide their own. KIds would rather have fun in the moment than think about what'll happen in the future. A few broken vases and a few sprained ankles later... you can tell who really lived, and who just wanted their name in the pages of history.
"My Baby Loves Love..."
They say that taking a vacation is a great way to unwind and clear your mind of things. It's also suggested that dreams are a way for your mind to work through thoughts and ideas in your head and bring the subconscious to your conscious mind. So then it's no surprise to say that I clearly saw a number of dreams while I was down in PA, probably due to the fact that sleep was intermittent (which is seemingly normal for me, without so many dreams, though).
One dream in particular found me in my white dress. Not just any white dress, but rather the one that I was wearing when I was the prom queen (not even the main purpose for said dress, but anyway...). I was in the back of a church, and my family was gathering... and so was my church family, or at least one family in particular. It seemed as though I was getting married. There was just one problem... there was no groom.
When I woke up, I wondered why that could be. Would my intended groom not be there because I didn't tell him how I felt? Would he be absent because I felt something more than he did?
I feel like I love Green, like I could fit into his life. Of the guys I've met, either they say that their parents would probably have some kind of issue with me, or the guy has some kind of issue himself, or his interests aren't that close to mine,.... whatever the case is, it's Green-minus-something-I-like-about-him. And no one has thrown up a red flag against him, another good thing. He might not be a doctor/lawyer/white knight/what-have-you, but I'm no trophy wife, nor is this princess locked away in a tower. I might need rescuing, but I'm no distressed damsel.
By Valentine's, the time I've spent with Green will equal the time I spent with Seth when he started saying he loved me. It was out of the blue, but it wasn't what dissolved whatever feelings I had for him. Thinking back, I think I just liked the attention he gave me. I mean, I'd kill to be holding hands with Green here and there, but he does have other ways of showing his interest so I can't complain.
I like not being the beck-and-call girl. Being asked to talk, night in and night out, got me to resent talking... and now, to resent knowing Seth, in a sense. I mean, driving through Buffalo wasn't just driving through Buffalo, it was looking at the mall when we went past, at the Best Buy and Jack Astor's signs facing the parking lot where he always parked because Spencer's was just inside. I wanted to return the "key to his heart," a replica of the Pirates of the Caribbean key that he modified. I didn't want to be in his neighborhood, to chance an encounter with him or anything.
I'm actually glad that plans with Green and I, spanning pretty much to early March so far, have been modified so that I can skip Seven Deadlies. Yes, I wanted to go, but if ye olde ex is floating around my barony, there's no telling what I'll encounter. And yes, I did say above that plans spanned to early March... Almost every weekend is taken.
That's how you play the game if you want to win.
Gas prices: last week, $1.85, NY or PA. This week, $1.83 PA, $1.91+ NY (PA prices based on Sheetz gas stations, two visits. Hence the blog title, a poor rewording of an expression referring to inebriation)