Title: You Always Liked Apples Best
Rating: G
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers for what Luna does after Deathly Hallows is finished. No warnings.
Summary (fic only): She almost feels like she is in England once again. It's not that she dislikes India, no -- it's just that home is home no matter where you may go, and it would be springtime in
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Comments 4
I love the calm, almost dreamy tone of this, all the little details you put in, and the way you characterised Luna.
’she is as curious and accepting and open with strange things as she ever was, no matter how much older and how much wiser she is from those years of her life spent at Hogwarts. No amount of caution, no matter how carefully it is bred into her, will ever be able to change something so intrinsic to her nature.’
‘But she would always be, always and forever and always, the first to admit that humans were not always so quick to see what was right in front of them, what with their minds so closed to strangeness like they were. And because she was what she was what she was, there wasn't even a hint of bitterness in that at all.’
Those lines, especially, are her to a T.
And her genuine concern for Miska and his kind is very heartfelt as well.
Thank you very much, mystery author! I absolutely love this. ♥
I'd like to quote my favorite lines, but since there are so many, I think it will suffice to simply say that I adored this. :D
Whoever believes that there is no scrap of love within a wild thing is terribly mistaken...
I'm not particularly adventurous, but every time I read a story about Luna have this urge to see the world...
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