Title: The Namesake
Rating: G
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: spoilers for DH
Original Prompt:
Briefly describe what you want: I'd like war or post-war Luna, maybe something with coming to terms with the past, fresh starts, and so forth. I love plot twists, too, and I'm a sucker for canon-- though you don't necessarily have to include canon from the interviews. Rolf Scamander, for example, doesn't have to exist... I have a soft spot for Luna/George.
Tone of the fic: Angsty or a darker tone is good, as long as there's a few sweet moments and a hopeful/happy ending.
An element/line of dialogue/object you would like in your fic: her radish earrings!
Preferred rating of the the fic you want: R and under, please!
Canon or AU? Canon up until the end of DH-- anything goes after that
Deal Breakers (what don't you want?): any inter-generational ships, OOC Luna, Luna/Draco.