1) List 20 things you want to say to people but know you never will.
2) Don't say who they are.
3) Disable comments.
4) Never discuss it again.
1. I hope one day I will know how to love you properly.
2. Secretly, I am unhappy. Secretly, you have always known this.
3. You think you are kind, amazing and strong. You aren't. And I hope that one day you realize how two-faced and cruel you can be.
4. I couldn't be who I am without you.
5. You will never strive to be more than you are. You're content to pretend to be amazing and you will go on telling yourself this.
6. You never cease to amaze and inspire me with your work and brilliance. I can only hope to one day be as good as you.
7. You are so ridiculously dependent on others that you're only hurting yourself in the long run. Grow up and stop whining.
8. I am secretly jealous of your amazing capacity to love and have adventure.
9. Stop telling everyone your dirty little secrets to get attention and sympathy. You're not the only one with problems.
10. I secretly hope that you get into school far away because then you'll have to decide if you actually want me or need me.
11. I have always loved you. I wish you would love me back.
12. I don't actually dislike you. I just can't figure out how to connect with you.
13. I shut myself off whenever we were together. I knew long before you did that it was over. I just couldn't tell you.
14. Stop making depression your choice. The world is not out to get you and life doesn't happen like the movies. Once you realize this, you can be happy.
15. I wish you had told us about her. It sure beats having to keep it a secret and pretending like she doesn't exist.
16. You two are nothing short of greedy bitches. Be adults. Quit treating her like shit and teaching your children to do the same.
17. I don't know why you think you're the most amazing thing since sliced bread...cause it's definitely not true. You are cruel and oblivious to people and their feelings. One day, I hope the people around you wake up to this and you get what you deserve.
18. You slacked off and your heart wasn't in it. That's why they wouldn't take you back. It was the best thing for everyone.
19. We are connected. Forever. There will never be a day where I don't think of my beautiful ladies and how you've made me a better person.
20. You are lovely. I just can't love you forever.