Title: Just Kidding … But Not Really.
Chapter: Drabble
luna_no_koibitoGenre: Introspective, slight angst
Warnings: language
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Reita/Kai
Bands: the GazettE
Disclaimer: Just need your faces darlings, my fingers will type the rest ..._〆(・∀・@)
Comment: None~
Summary: Kai is talking to Reita before and after a concert.
Just Kidding … But Not Really.
“We should definitely do some fan-service during this tour. I think every once in a while it doesn't hurt. And if Ruki wants he could do something different from his usual "Kiss-Uruha" routine”.
Often, what we subconsciously focus so hard on trying to accomplish, turns out to be the complete opposite of what we actually wanted …
“Damn, it really looked like the two of you were about do it on that cube! A second more and my sticks might have flown right up both your asses, hahaha”.
… and what we consciously joke about, is often exactly what we truly mean.
AN: This was just a RANDOM mixture of a life concept that I realized yesterday with a thought of ReitaxRuki fan-service which I heard happened recently floating in my head ... my fingers just began to type … couldn't stop them I did too much coding today as well ...
Much Love -LnK♥(~_^ )/-