Daily log

Feb 05, 2017 09:50

Woke up after 7 and a quarter hours (8:20). It was very solid sleep, but I woke up because I was too hot (possibly a hot flash) and after that I couldn't get back to sleep. I've got some emotional stuff going on right now, which is occupying my mind and making me slightly anxious. I do feel pretty well-rested. I got up, showered, and dressed.

My pain level is about what it was yesterday -- high enough to notice, not high enough to be debilitating. My upper back is still tight, but seems to be less stuck; my lower back is much less stiff. Apparently all the walking was good for it. My right knee is painful to the touch, but more stable and it doesn't ache. My feet... well, I'll have to stay off them most of today, as they started to hurt acutely just while I was standing in the shower. My right foot has some pain in the heel and the ankle is out of whack, but my left is downright tender in the heel (it hurts with a firm touch), and all but one of the metatarsals are stuck on the medial end. The fifth medial metatarsal joint is particularly bad today -- that's the one that's always giving me problems, and I may have to work at it to get it to break loose and flex properly. Even then, though, I'm courting another sprained heel if I stand or walk too much. Good thing I'll be driving or attending a party most of the day, and I can sit.

My eyes are about as good as they were yesterday, and that will probably continue until I get another exposure to mycotoxin or estrogen. What transient blurriness I'm getting could probably be chalked up to the contact lenses.

I'm slightly shaky, which tells me I shouldn't be too active. I have no appetite but I can feel the distant call of hunger, so I'll see what I can fix in the way of breakfast without irritating my feet too much.

About to head out to attend a Superbowl party in Citrus Heights. I had just four (small) slices of toast with honey for breakfast, since we were out of a couple of things like eggs. I went out and clipped a couple of branches to get grafting material for Michelle's apple tree in Sacramento, then sat in the breakfast room to cut and label the scions. I spent the rest of the time on the computer for the most part, and I was ready to head out at 12:15 or so when I realized I needed to eat more if I was going to make it to dinner (I don't expect to be able to eat any of the party food). So I made some pasta with pesto, and heated a few odds and ends of leftovers. I'll have to eat some of the crudites at the party, as I'm short on vegetables today.

I'm feeling reasonably good, with an overtone of nervous energy. I wanted to go out and play Ingress on my way north, but the party starts at 3, so I'll probably go directly there.

The party is winding down. I didn't go directly after all: like the Ingress addict I am, I had to go out to south Martinez and play a bit to clean up the area. Some of it was done from the car, but there was some light walking around Golden Hills Park for about 20 minutes, and I got out of the car to walk 50 feet on another stop. I finished up around 3.

The car trip was about 75 minutes, and I discovered that my car's cruise control does work, so I was able to rest my right foot and ankle for a good part of the way. Once there, I sat most of the time; I got up every 20 minutes or so to keep from stiffening up, and I stood for up to 15 minutes at a time to get snacks (there were some good crackers) or talk to people. My feet ached enough to remind me to sit down again, though the chairs were unpadded wood and not especially comfortable.

So now that's over, I'll drive to Michelle's and we can have dinner at the Thai place downtown. I'm still feeling pretty good, and seeing old friends helps with my pain and fatigue.

Home again. I didn't sit down once I got to Michelle's, and it took long enough to leave for dinner that I found I kind of wanted to. It was nearly a half an hour before we got into her Accord and headed out; I'd forgotten that the back seat is a little cramped, and the seatbelt tends to ratchet on me so that I can't move around as freely as I'd like. It wasn't a big problem on the way to dinner, but I started feeling it when we were driving around later.

My dinner was spicier than I anticipated, but capsaicin helps with my inflammation level, so I braved it. It was raining by the time we left, but I didn't feel particularly achy, which might be partly because of the chiles. We drove around playing Ingress, mostly from the car; I got out a few times to get better signal (that car is a Faraday cage), there were a couple of churches we walked to (maybe 500 feet apart), and there was a shopping center where I walked about 1000 feet across the parking lot and along the gallery, then stood for about 15 minutes while they did some game stuff.

We finished up a little after 12:30, and I headed to my car for the drive home. It was a little longer as the weather was bad and I was tired, and I just got home. I'm pretty delirious with fatigue, so I'm just going to wrap this up and go straight to bed.

I have an account as Torquill on Dreamwidth, and that's where I posted this. You can sign in with OpenID to comment on the original post, or you can go ahead and comment here; either way works.


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