I got to sleep at about 23:30 and slept, waking up a few times, until 10:30. I feel better today -- the pain has receded to what it was about a week ago, present but not debilitating, and I can make out individual aches again. My feet are stiff and not flexing well, but they don't feel sprained. My right shoulder is still not quite right, and gives me sharp pains on the anterior edge of the deltoid when I roll it forward. Probably the collarbone again. My back is stiff to the point of having trouble reaching all of myself in the shower, though not especially painful. My muscles aren't burning much today. I've been getting a pain at the base of my right thumbnail like someone was pressing a pencil point hard against it; that happened about a half-dozen times per day. It might be related to what's going on with my shoulder, but it might not. (I prefer this to the times when it feels like someone suddenly jabs the point of my right big toe with a pin; I haven't had that in a couple of months now.)
My energy level is low but not critical. I managed to take a shower and get dressed without difficulty, and I should be able to fix myself breakfast. I'm reluctant to do much walking or heavy lifting, even though there are things outside which really need to be tended to before it rains again... I may push myself to at least get a shelter up for the nectarine, as otherwise it will bloom in the rain, and it'll get completely covered in brown rot. Last time that happened I lost over half the fruit and had to prune it extensively, so it's worth investing some energy in prevention. That may wipe me out, though.
My vision is good and my focus is decent, at least. I wouldn't want to try to solve equations, but my head may clear even more with the application of food. I'm still ravenous. Time to go see about that.
Getting breakfast and eating (in front of the computer) has worn me out. I can't focus, and I find myself drifting off. I think I'll try to nap.
I got into a discussion online and ended up crunching a bunch of raw data to prove a point. I crawled into bed at 17:45 and slept until 20:15; when I got up I was still tired, but not exhausted and cold anymore. I'm definitely very low-energy still, even after dinner; I've been continuing the online discussions and I may go out a bit later. I should be fine to drive, at any rate.
I went out at 22:45 to play Ingress, and spent a couple of hours driving around the Willows (with occasional pauses to get out and walk ten feet or so) until I was done with a project there. I finished up, realized I was very close to hitting the next level, and went to take down a few enemy things to put me over the top. I got done at about 02:10 and came home.
I'm still just as tired as I have been since my nap, and now I'm starved (again). I'll have to see what I can eat before bed. Everything aches, too -- not the whole-body inflammatory pain, just lots of muscle groups feeling like they've been overworked. I haven't actually been doing Olympic wrestling, no matter what they feel like. My tinnitus is worse, too. I did take some Chinese herbs earlier to help with that (Eight-Flavor Rehmanii), but it takes more than one dose to correct the kind of imbalance I've been sliding into.
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