this ~
~ this
NOTE: From experience, this tut works BEST on already lightened pictures. (Already lightened pictures meaning without screening them in photoshop)
Crop your base & duplicate it.
Screen your duplicate layer and leave to 100% opacity.
Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color:
REDS: +72, +100, +55, +100
MAGENTAS: +19, +100, +7, +100
NEUTRALS: 0, +32, 0, +70
Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Color > 23479A and set to exclusion - 50% opacity* .
Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Selective Color:
REDS: 0, 0, 0, +39
BLUES: 0, +56, 0, +52
MAGENTAS: 0, +85, 0, 0
Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation
Saturation: +10
You are now finished.
* = When doing your fill color layer, please change the opacity depending on how your dark/bright your icon is.
YUPYUPYUP I love seeing your results!
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