first off, let us revel in the diversity that is kohl's.
kelly and i are suave like motherfuckers. we lock ourselves out on balconies.
but we made the best of it.
scott's new car!
me + incense = hardcore
kelly, up to no good
same with scotty
kelly got hold of the camera for a while
a lovely shot
paul and chels
yay good lighting
things are now blurry, so clearly i got the camera back.
and later, there was also...
paul hiding.
gandalf being fierce
and pete, kelly, paul, and chelsea reading bible passages on in-n-out cups. yes, the picture kinda sucks, but it was taking forever and people looked horribly confused. but you KNOW you wish you'd been there.
i'm leaving the day after tomorrow! i have way too much shit to do to go anywhere else. but maybe you can come over? if not, see you in december.