hey there, the buttons are going up tonight, is there anything I can link to or any text you want to go with them? I'd write something but this is your bunny, so let me know : )
Umm...we're going to have a site up very soon, but just link to my info and I'll put a link to the site there when it's ready since we don't have it up yet.
Hmm. I may or may not have already replied to you because LJ is being extremely odd...but..we have a website coming but it's not quiiite ready yet (that's what happens when you crazily decide to start a whole campaign just a couple of weeks before it's supposed to begin *grins*) so I suppose just link to my user info:
Comments 3
Thanks so much! You're great.
and I'll link to the website just as soon as it's up.
Thanks again. You're a wondiferous boi. *hugs*
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