So, I've finally gotten around to scanning the handfasting pics. In the next few days I'll also post pics from the hours right after, and then just general Spring Break picses. So ..wait for those I guess?
This is shortly after the beginning of the ceremony. A big, black dog ran up to Faye, and then me, and then back to Faye. Right during the part when Faye's Dad was talking about her living in a magical world. But, the doggie didn't want to be seen, so you can only see me grinning and reaching down to pet it. We've decided he/she was a ghost dog, bringing Faye a message from Lonnie, who died sometime the night before/that day.
People Came.
These People:
Faye's Dad reading one of his parts. It was sappy, and about Faye.
These confused, disturbed, cold looking people are Faye's grandparents. I don't think they realized we were going to outside, so they were freezing. I also don't think they knew what we were doing.
Still reading. Hiding. Shy. Embarrassed girls.
See? Shy. Also, I look insane because I'm about to cry.
Then, I read my vows. They're on Faye's computer at home, I may post them someday.
Long vows.
Faye's vows! Faye looks cute here! CUTE!
We pause dorkily. I suspect Faye's Mom was saying something about the rings.
Us exchanging our rings. I love our rings. Faye's has a moonstone and mine has a turquoise.
We are cold. And shy. But look! My sister did that. The binding of the hands part. My sister is cool.
This is kiss number two. Matt, my sister's boyfriend, had been running all over trying to get pics for us. He missed the first kiss, because it was very quick. It's weird to kiss your girlfriend in front of her grandparents.
And then, we're all really happy. See??!