What is the most extravagant gift you have ever given in terms of effort, NOT money?
The Uncle Ludwig game.
It was for my
younger brother [fourth from the top] the year that our mother passed away. He came to Pennsylvania for a week to help me clean out her house [which was a mess] and in the process, we found a large oval portrait of a long gone family member [we think]. The house took four 20 yard dumpsters to empty so while we were waiting for the truck to take a full one and bring us an empty, we hung this picture on the garage and threw some old darts at it. John named him Uncle Ludwig and we were in stitches for most of the afternoon. For Christmas i made a complete board game of the idea, mocked it up and sent it to him, shrinkwrapped with all the pieces and rules.
View the board Here's the rules:
How to Play
Each player rolls the dice. The player with the highest number chooses the order of the players. Each player then chooses the game piece for the player on his/her left, trying to choose one that best represents that person. The person who chose the order of play goes first.
Each player rolls the die and moves his/her game piece along the board in a clockwise direction, doing what the instructions on the space tell them to do.
Points are accumulated by hitting the portrait of Uncle Ludwig with a dart. The legend on the target indicates point values for each hit. Keep an accurate record of your points.
Winning the Game
The first player to reach 1,000 points takes possession of the ceramic chicken. Once that player has the ceramic chicken, when it’s his/her turn, that player will throw all three darts at Uncle Ludwig. If all three darts hit him in the head, that player has won the game and can break* the ceramic chicken in celebration. If another player reaches 1,000 points before the chicken is broken, they will share ownership of the priceless family heirloom (ceramic chicken) and will also be able to throw three darts each turn. Play will continue until any player with 1,000 points hits the head of Uncle Ludwig with all three darts and breaks the chicken.
Special Spaces
There are two special spaces on the board. The Space “Circling the board” does not have to be landed on to collect the 50 points. Each time you pass it, add 50 points to your total.
If you land on “Having a Breakdown” you must roll a 5 or a 6 on the die to continue. If you do not roll a 5 or a 6 for three consecutive turns while you are on that space, then you lose 50 points and are permitted to continue on your next turn.
*The player who breaks the ceramic chicken is responsible for replacing it for the next game. Additional chickens may be ordered for $3.99 + shipping from: Bob’s house of immitation poultry, 46 West Nile Canal, Hackensack, NJ 08482.
The UNCLE LUDWIG GAME is a registered trademark. ©2002 Charles Moon. All rights reserved. All wrongs freely available
That just confirmed that i am totally insane.