PERIOD TALK! (Edited Friday Morning)

Sep 21, 2007 01:48

Okay so, my irl friends and a few of my intarwebz friends know that I have reeeeeally heavy/painful periods normally. Like, I've passed out from them before, they last a full week, blah blah blah. It messes with my social life and my sleep schedule and generally just makes me uber sick for an entire week. Unbearable cramps lasting for five straight hours with NO relief whatsoever, not even for a few seconds. I bleed through a pad every 45 minutes.

Well, I was due like....three days ago, and I THINK mine started yesterday, or the day before, but I'm not totally sure. >.>

Okay, so, sometimes before my periods I spot a little, but only a teeny tiny bit. But for some reason on Tuesday I just thought my period was here, because I was actually bleeding a bit/clotting a little. Then after like...two hours of not really all that badness, it stopped. Since then I've been bleeding a teeny weeny bit, and ZOMG no cramps.

Edit 2: this is so fucking unfair.

Now, my period is usually like clockwork, it was due either Tuesday or Wednesday. Well, so far it's been like...almost nothing. Seriously. I don't know what it is. I mean, is this what normal light periods are?

I'm not taking any odd medication, I'm not on the pill, I'm not sexually active. My diet changed a bit in the past few months. I've been eating a lot healthier, more veggies, less fast food, drinking lots of water. I've been walking a lot and I went to the gym earlier this week. I think that might have something to do with it.

I'm like...uber excited about this, you have no idea. For the past two days I've been going to work, dreading it, because I kept expecting to get hammered with bleeding and cramps mid-shift, but so far NADA. I feel like I'm on my period, like, this is how my body feels on my period without the bleeding and cramps, and when I just stop and do nothing I think I can sort of feel uber mini cramps, but I'm sooooo not sure.

I don't want to jinx myself and say this is my period this month, but omfg, it would be so cool! After being tortured every month since I was twelve, this is incredible.

*crosses fingers* Please last. Please don't turn into a torture fest. I still have three more days of work to deal with.

Okay, so apparently I wasn't actually having my period, but I am NOW. I'm still not bleeding all that much, but I had cramps at like...eight in the morning. They weren't so bad until like....nine. Then I had REALLY bad cramps, but only for hour and a half. Now they're back to being lighter than they were when they first started. I called into work because I'm getting hot flashes and nausea (also two typical signs of my period). That and I'm just friggin' tired. :/

Stupid Period. At least all the really bad stuff ended like three hours earlier than it normally does.
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