Title: Yuletide with Super Junior (688 words)
Pairing: none significant
Genre: Crack
Rating: G
Summary: See how Christmas is with your favorite idols.
Roofs are carved with little mountains of white snow. Trees are adorned with bright, yellow lights, likening them to golden amber. Houses were filled with laughter, and were singing melodies of joyous tunes. Cherry blossoms have unravelled, presenting their unique beauty.
At a dinner table where oak is unwanted and glass is preferred, food is placed, twice than usual. Of course, they had prepared. Men need their food; especially a man who ogled at the computer screen, waving his game controller high in the air with shouts of victory.
A blond man shouts across everywhere, directing everyone to proper places and started scrambling under the Christmas tree because pets that have went lose have started finding wrappings and ribbons interesting.
The man with the big smile turns on the stereo, the music working their way up into their ears. Oppa, Oppa
“Here thee, here thee. Let us come together for moments of praise to the Lord.” The tall man beckons to everyone. They twist their arms into X’s to before they conjoin their hands. “Lord, we thank you for bringing us here today. Thank you for being born and for saving us for our sins. We are sorry for our shortcomings towards you. With your birthday in mind, we shall change our ways and repent. Amen.”
They march towards their seats, their bodies lump at once as their bottoms hit contact against the chairs.
A pair of eyes peep outside an ajar door, scanning the area from left to right before reluctantly pulling his whole self out of the room and towards his seat. “I’m not celebrating Christmas, okay. I’m just eating food,” the man - Heechul - mumbles, picking his utensils up from the sides of his plate.
They start to eat their food, and the rice seems to be refilled a lot often. The beef was first gone. As its juice seeped out from the tenderness when it sizzled against the cooking pan at the middle of the table, its smell was travelling to everyone’s noses, teasing them.
Suddenly, they hear a - man - shriek. “Kiki! You! The one who looks like Ddangkoma! Bring that back!” Ryeowook, the petite brown haired man started as he pointed a finger at a moving creature.
“Relax Ryeowook. It’s a turtle. They’re as slow as Hyukjae’s growth,” Yesung indifferently said as he picked up his loving green turtle while Hyukjae snorted, ‘That turtle must be a pretty good racer then!’ says the guy who has shoe insole sets.
Ryeowook stared at Yesung, his eyes shooting daggers. He clutched his Kiki tightly against his chest as he pouted his lips. Yesung couldn’t resist, and he clamped Ryeowook’s cheeks in his hands mumbling, ‘Ah… so cute~’
Sungmin came up the table, offering his noodles to lighten up the mood. “Jjang! There, I made you guys some ramyeon. Our favourite. It’s beef with seafood,” he said as his mouth claimed a wide grin.
They continued eating with inserting conversations. Kyuhyun subtly asked Sungmin after waiting for the older to finish his share of ramyeon what he gave him for Christmas.
“Oh I gave you a book. It’s on top of my bed. Go get it if you want.”
“Hyung,” Kyuhyun started with a nervous tone, he was fiddling with his fingers under the table. “Did you really give me a book?”
“Of course I did. You said on that interview once you always liked to read, so I gave you that To Kill a Mockingbird thing. Tell me what it’s about when you finish. I hear it’s all the rage,” Sungmin says, his mouth forming an interesting and innocent ‘O’ that Kyuhyun couldn’t help but not doubt him.
“…. I got you a game, hyung.” Kyuhyun tried, trying to slip his hyung the tip about his game fetishes - which you’d think Sungmin would know by now.
“… Of course you did.”
Ryeowook quietly slipped another bowl of soup on the table, its nice pastel colour and delectable smell made it seem so irresistible.
“What soup is this Ryeowook?” Yesung asked after sipping a tablespoon of it and having his taste buds sent to heaven. “Chicken?”
I wasn't sure how to spot any of you so yeah. :D
And look at Siku~~ (Polar bear cub > 3 <)