(no subject)

Apr 24, 2006 15:51

Huh. Something happened today, one of those 'renew your faith in humanity' things that you get in after-school specials and suchlike.

See, a few days ago, someone started a thread on the Dominic Deegan forums, discussing the love life of one of the comic's characters. See, there had been a moment in the comic, all fraught with symbolism, that had suggested this character had been jilted by the formation of a particular relationship, so the forumites started discussing who he might have been in love with - the man or the woman. I was quite enjoying the discussion, and hadn't made up my mind who to side with yet when one forumite dramatically derailed the thread. By posting that he disliked homosexuals 'in general'. He didn't give a reason, and no one was particularly surprised when he was flamed for it.

From this point, the flamewar grew along rather predictable lines - Person A jumps in to eat the homophobe's (Jenx's) face, person B defends Jenx's free speech, Person C agrees with him because the Bible says so, Person A attacks the Bible, Person B attacks person A, Person D arrives late on the scene and tries to reply to every point made so far in five or six pages of argument, then WheelsOfConfusion lays smackdown. Everyone ignores Wheels because he made too much sense, and appeared to have actually read the Bible! The cycle begins again. And I was caught in this as the first person to reply to Jenx.

I didn't actually flame him, but since I was the first person to take the 'Your opinion is offensive to me' stance, I got a lot of flames thrown at me (Not as much as Jenx, but still). It was one of those arguments, everyone's hackles up, if you're not with us, you're a JesusNazi/RightwingBastard/Fag-lovingLiberal! It got to the point where I was defending Jenx, since he'd stepped back from the forum until people calmed down, and people were still after his blood.

So, today marked the return of Jenx after he was chased off the forum. It also brought a private message to me -

I just tought I`d say it via PM. I`m sorry if I offended you in any way. Hm...I don`t think there is anything more specific actually. Just really wanted to say sorry for all the flaming going on, since it is my fault up to one point, coz if I haven`t said if I liked or dislike homosexual people, this wouldn`t have started. I also thank you for defending me, though i`ve heard that "i`m gonna beat the crap out of you" so many times, and when you actually MEET the person face to face he doesn`t even have the courage to watch you in the eyes. (Eye-rolling smilie) Well, I guess that`s about it.

He still says he doesn't like homosexuals, but according to him, he has no problem with homosexual people... And he's less steadfast in his opinions after reading the more reasonable posts, so that's good. I don't know if he's been sending these to everyone, but it's nice. Even if he hasn't changed his mind, he's apologising personally to me... It's a nice feeling to be able to forgive someone and know you were completely in the right... *Joy*

In other news, I just googled myself! Who knew there was a place in the antarctic called 'Lunik's point'?
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