Title: Relationship Follies, #4: Greed
Author: frk_werewolf
Fandom: Harry Potter
7_deadly_sins_ Prompt: #1, Greed (
Pairing: Ron/Draco
Rating: NC-17, overall: NC-17
Word Count: 745
Series Summary: Folly [fol"ly], noun. The state of being foolish; want of good sense; levity, weakness, or derangement of mind. Otherwise, the relationship of Ron and Draco.
Summary: Greed [gre'ed], noun. An excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves.
Greed wasn't something that Malfoy's believed in. The reason for this was simple: they were typically under the impression that there was nothing they didn't deserve or need. Draco, being a true Malfoy in every way imaginable, was no different.
With this in mind, it should have come to no shock to Ron to discover that Draco was fully under the impression that he owned Ron. What’s more, that he wanted to proclaim this ownership to the world.
"You want me to what?" Ron blurted out, looking up at Draco in shock. Draco was straddling his waist, hands running lightly across his naked chest. A small smile appeared on Draco's lips, before disappearing.
"It's a reasonable request, I think," Draco informed him imperiously.
"Draco...I'm not going to wear a collar for you," Ron slowly said. Draco visibly pouted and wiggled his hips, which caused Ron's hardening erection to rub against Draco's towel covered arse. Ron's eyes traveled down to the knot that kept the towel on. Perhaps he could untie it without Draco noticing.
"Ronald, how else am I to show my ownership?" Draco asked, as though his request was perfectly normal.
"The way you do now," Ron replied. "What with all of the hissing you do to people that bother to look in my direction? Trust me, there is no doubt in anyone's mind that you own me."
"If that was true then that...disgusting boy you hang out with all the time would stop drooling over you," Draco pouted. He shifted his hips, causing Ron to suck in a sharp breath. Draco smirked.
"If you're talking about Harry, again--"
"Potter this and Potter that," Draco snapped, leaning forward. His eyes met Ron's, their cool gray burning with some unknown emotion. "You're mine, not his, and he better bloody well figure it out."
By now, Draco was rocking his hips at a steady pace. Ron was having trouble listening to his words. He was saying something about Harry, but Ron didn't care. Why would he think about Harry when he had Draco propped over him?
"Huh?" Ron asked, hands clutching at Draco's hips.
"I was asking whether or not you delivered my message to Potter," Draco growled. Or, rather, he tried to. Ron was the growler of the two, Draco purred. So, as a result, neither could do the other very well.
"Oh, yeah."
"And? What did he say?" Draco demanded.
"That you need to stop being so greedy," Ron replied.
"Oh, I'm the greedy one! He's the one stealing you away from me at inopportune times."
"Draco, darling," Ron said in a slightly condescending tone, "those times that you speak of? That's Quidditch practice! How can I not go? I'm the blood Keeper for crying out loud."
Draco began to roll off of Ron, who scrambled to keep a hold of him. Draco glared. Ron rolled, pinning Draco to the bed. Draco was still glaring, but as Ron thrust his hips, their erections pressing against one another, he began to look interested. Ron slid one hand down Draco's torso until he reached the knot holding the towel together. He began to untie it.
"Let's bargain," Ron whispered, kissing him lightly on the lips.
There was nothing a Malfoy loved more than bargaining. Except sex, but this meant Draco was getting both. He moaned, arching his hips upward. "Yes."
"I'll wear a collar on the weekends if you stop complaining about my Quidditch practice," Ron said, tongue darting out to lick at Draco's neck.
Draco practically purred. "No, that won't do at all. Weekdays and I'll stop complaining."
"Weekends and Tuesday." Ron began thrusting against him earnestly, enjoying the momentarily confused look on Draco's face as he tried to think and feel pleasure at the same time.
"N-no!" Draco's word more like a cry of pleasure than a denial. He wrapped one long, pale leg around Ron's waist, drawing them closer together. He gasped as Ron bit down on his collarbone. "Weekends, Tuesday, and Thursday."
"Friday instead of Thursday," Ron replied. They were moving at a steady rhythm now, frantically thrusting against each other.
"Deal," Draco gasped out, before his back arched and his came with a low groan. Quickly he pushed Ron off of him and straddled the man's waist, sure to not touch his erection. "Or you're evil."
"You're the one not letting me come," Ron complained, wiggling his hips desperately.
"Don't worry, you'll come. Sooner or later," Draco drawled.
Ron gulped.