The Bleu Ball

Jun 17, 2002 18:43

I am a jealous person by nature. Perhaps it’s the werewolf influence, sneaking in where I least bloody expect it. I don’t know, I think I’m too jealous, now. I never used to be. I’m suspicious to the point of paranoia, and I fault people I love to hurtful points. I want to use this post as a chance to publicly apologise to Sirius, and I’ll get to that later.

The Ball was nothing like the dances of my school days. Times have definitely changed, because they used to be a lot more fun and a lot less... eventful, perhaps?

Oh, and the teachers didn’t get bloody sloshed in front of their students.

Oh, and Severus? Albus had only said to keep an eye on the students. He never said anything about partaking of the spirits.

The Little (but really big (tm)) Book of Manditory Teacher Rules and Regulations (Written by T. Whistcherspell, M. McFadden, Z. Goodhawk and T. Tim)

(Page 623, paragraph 4 (hardbound edition)): On the question of alcohol consumption, no teacher may imbibe the substance during;

a) classes
b) school functions
c) field trips
d) interactions with students
e) any event where one wishes to conceive a child with a partner that is not criminally ugly

-or any time when one needs to be in a state of alertness. It is generally wise to restrict drinking until you are on leave, on vacation or very sure you won’t get caught.

Failure to conform to this(these) rule(rules) results in punishment from the Headmaster, and may include but is not restricted to;

a) announcement on record
b) a temporary impotency spell
c) muggle AA classes
d) very reprimanding glares and disappointed head-shakes
e) a guilt charm
f) a spell banning the intake of any drink other than goat’s milk
g) murder most gruesome

Snape, Hooch and Sinistra, I believe the Headmaster shall wish to see you.

Sirius and I skived off a few times to chat, in the shrubbery. At one point we heard a row, and to our displeasure and surprise, Harry and Mr Malfoy engaged rather violently. Mr Malfoy was quiet livid and dishevelled, and I had to restrain the child from ripping Harry’s "balls out of his arse," or so Mr Malfoy put it.

Is that even possible? It’s best not to know, I think.

Now, back to the issue of jealousy.

Sirius and Snape had a bit of an accident with one of the bowls of punch that the Weasley twins had tampered with. Apparently, the potion they put in causes the drinker to become stuck to whomever they touch next.

It goes without saying that I happened to stumble upon Sirius and Snape in a fairly compromising position, and I might have stormed off in a fit of anger.

Sirius was able to calm me down, and now I feel rather terrible about the whole thing.
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