I'm missing you a lot over here in Oak Harbor. : / There's no clear plan so far, but I'm damned and determined to come and visit sometime before AFF. I'm sure you'll get along well with Raven too, seeing as how he's been in the Navy for 5 years, you know, you two could get together and swap army stories or something. >.>
Seriously, take care of yourself wolfie. You are missed. :(
*looks at watch* Well I should have shipped out on my new odessey by this time next week.
I'm sure we have some stories we could swap... hmm my blue Navy sweats from my Midshipman days are about tatters, I wonder if he'd have acess to a new set?
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I'm missing you a lot over here in Oak Harbor. : / There's no clear plan so far, but I'm damned and determined to come and visit sometime before AFF. I'm sure you'll get along well with Raven too, seeing as how he's been in the Navy for 5 years, you know, you two could get together and swap army stories or something. >.>
Seriously, take care of yourself wolfie. You are missed. :(
*looks at watch* Well I should have shipped out on my new odessey by this time next week.
I'm sure we have some stories we could swap... hmm my blue Navy sweats from my Midshipman days are about tatters, I wonder if he'd have acess to a new set?
>,< Awwww..... Damnit man, I'mma miss you.....
Be Safe and cover your 6
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