Lesson ~Come in and sit down~

Feb 21, 2005 22:05

Remus sat behind his desk working on a stack of parchment as his class settled in their seats. When everyone was in place he stood and walked to the front of his desk and leaned his long frame against it crossing his feet. He began to speak to them in a moderate tone that was easy on the ears.

"I must say I was hoping for better reactions to your last lesson but, that tells me where we need to focus for a few lessons. You all did well with the boggart. But that alone will not stand you in our world.You must be prepared to handle many different types of dark items. For this assignment I would like you to imagine one of these scenes and tell me what you would do.

The first is this: You are walking down a side street and find yourself face to face with a vampire what do you do?

The second is this: You find yourself asleep and all of a sudden you feel the heavy creeping of a Lethifold. What so you do?

And last:You find yourself lost and offering to help you is a wizard that bears a red mark on his left arm what do you do?"

Remus smiles a slight smile and waits to see who will jump in first.
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