Survey stolen from Ri-kun
rimusu. =3
Ever really cried your heart out?: Yup.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yup.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Once or twice.
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Yup.
Do you cry when you get an injury?: Only when I was young, unless it's really bad. Then I cry for about 2 seconds.
Do certain songs make you cry?: Fallen Embers, Ce He Mise Le Ulaingt, and a few others, but it varies on my mood.
Are you a happy person?: MOst of the time. =3
What can make you happy?: Animals, reading, drawing, friends.
Can music make you happy?: Yeah. Some music even makes me hyper. =D
How many times have you had your heart broken?: Never, yo.
Do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others?: We're just friends. I thought I liked them that way, but I really didn't.
Have you ever loved someone so much that you'd die for them? I think so, but I can't really tell until the situation comes. I hope I do, though.
Did you ever love a guy/girl, tell them that and only got a thanks?: No.
Has anyone besides your friends and family ever said 'i love you' to you?: Yeah. =3
Who do you actually hate?: I know it's kinda senseless, but I hated the people who cut down the courtyard, despite it being their job. I hate people who destroy forests and animals, and people who accuse others of being beneath them and pointing out imperfections they already have.... I dunno how to word it, but people like Katleen (ferrah) Morrison.
Ever made a hit list?: Nope.
Have you ever been on a hit list?: I dunno. Perhaps.
Are you a mean bully?: I can be rough and/or mean sometimes, but I never mean to actually hurt others, so I guess no. I try to keep it to teasing.
Do you hate George W. Bush?: Dislike, but not hate.
Is your self-esteem extremely low: I guess not. I'm just me.
Do you believe in yourself?: I know my limits. Perhaps I occasionally set them too low or too high, but I guess I do.... I dunno.
When people say they think you are good looking, do you deny you are?: Kinda. I thank them, but brush it off. I'd rather have someone compliment me on my personality.
Do you wish you could be someone else? Not really..... I sometimes wanna draw or write like someone else, but I like my life. =3
[ ] done crack.
[ ] done cocaine
[ ] done opium.
[ ] done PCP.
[ ] done prescription narcotics for recreational purposes.
[ ] huffed air-duster.
[ ] been to a rave.
[x] ridden in a taxi.
[ ] jumped a ramp with a bike.
[x] been dumped.
[ ] been used.
[ ] shoplifted.
[ ] ran run from the cops
[ ] been in a room of your school that you could get suspended for being in.
[ ] been fired
[ ] been kicked out of a movie theater.
[ ] snuck into a movie.
[ ] been in a fist fight.
[ ] gotten hit by a car
[x] fired a real gun. (If BB guns count.......)
[x] snuck out of the house.
[ ] been arrested.
[ ] gone in a mosh pit.
[ ] stolen something from your school
[ ] celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] gone on a blind date.
[x] lied to a friend. (I try not to, but sometimes I must.)
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[x] been to europe.
[ ] been to australia
[x] been to Hawaii
[ ] skipped school with parents permission
[ ] thrown up from drinking.
[x] played 'clue'.
[x] had a sleepover
[x] gone ice skating.
[ ] had your tonsils out.
[ ] been exposed to laughing gas.
[ ] have a car.
[x] driven a car.
[ ] totaled a car.
[ ] flashed someone
[ ] been flashed
DO YOU ...
[x] feel loved.
[ ] feel lonely.
[x] feel happy.
[ ] hate yourself.
[ ] have a dog. ( I wish. =3)
[x] sing along with your music.
[ ] dance around the house in your underwear
[ ] listen to Hawaiian Music.
[ ] listen to hip hop.
[ ] listen to rap.
[x] listen to country. (One or two songs... I guess that counts...)
[ ] listen to reggae.
[x] listen to techno
[ ] listen to hardcore.
[x] listen to pop. (Some. Prefer celtic and techno.)
[ ] listen to r&b. (I don't like R&B.)
[ ] listen to jazz.
[x] listen to bands that can't be put into a category.
[x] have hobbies.
[ ] skateboard.
[x] have more than 1 best friend
[x] get good grades
[x] (can) play an instrument.
[x] have slippers
[ ] wear boxers
[ ] wear black eyeliner
[x] like the color blue.
[ ] like the color pink.
[x] like the color red
[x] like the color green
[x] like the color black
[x] like the color purple
[ ] like neon colors
[x] like to read.
[x] like to write.
[x] have long hair.
[ ] have medium length hair.
[ ] have short hair.
[ ] have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager.
[ ] have a cellphone
[ ] sad
[ ] Hawaiian
[x] blonde
[ ] brunette
[ ] a redhead
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Filipino.
[ ] Korean.
[ ] French
[ ] Italian
[ ] Black.
[ ] Mexican.
[ ] Asian.
[ ] a Christian
[ ] a Muslim
[ ] Polish
[x] Irish
[x] German
[ ] Austrian
[x] Other
[ ] a Hindu
[ ] a scientologist
[ ] agnostic
[ ] satanist
[ ] short.
[x] average (Somewhere between tall and average)
[x] tall
[x] just right
[ ] realistic
[x] an emotional kid
[ ] talking to someone.
[x] IMing someone.
[ ] scared to die.
[ ] buzzed.
[ ] high
[ ] caffeinated
[ ] annoyed.
[ ] hungry.
[ ] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room
[ ] drinking something.
[ ] eating something.
[ ] chewing gum.
[x] ticklish (Yeah, but only by certain people.)
[x] listening to music
Whats your natural hair color?: Blonde.
What is your current hair color?: Blonde.
What color are your eyes?: Grey-ish blue, but can look yellowish or green depending on the light.
Current Piercings?: None.
Hair style: Normally down. It's in a loose ponytail if it's hot or I need it out of the way. It's not truly up very ofte.
How tall are you?: 5' 7"?
What shirt are you wearing?: Eagle t-shirt.
Pants are you wearing?: Jeans. What else?
Socks?: White.
Shoes?: None.
Necklaces: Dragon and wolf pendant from RennFest. I always wear it.
Bracelets?: None, as my hairband is in my hair currently.
Rock or Rap: Rock.
Coffee or Hot Cocoa: Cocoa. Coffee is yuck.
Wild Night out or Romantic Night in: I guess romantic. Wild tends to blow out my ears.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate. =33333
Hummer or Sports Car: Sports car, I HATE HUMMERS!!!!!!!!!!!! >:O
Bracelet or Necklace: Necklace.
History or Science: Science, but ancient history is cool.
Sleep in or early to rise: Varies on my mood.
Beach or Boardwalk: Beach.
Hoodie or Tee Shirt: Tee.
Night Or Day: Both! =D
High School or college: Dunno.
Love or fun: Love is fun, fun is love. I like both, also varies with my mood.
California or Florida: Florida. Everglades!
Simple Plan or Good Charlotte: Simple Plan, I guess?
Love at first sight or learn to love: Learn. I don't believe in love at first sight. Attraction, yes, but not love.
Hugged someone?: Yes.
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: Mom always kicks me off. I wish.
Put a song on repeat for more than an hour?: Yupyupyup. Chrissie gets sick of my songs sometimes. =D
person you talked to in person?: Mom.
person you talked to online?: Michael from Europe.
last person you talked to on the phone?: Scott.
drank?: Apple juice. =3
laugh?: Laughing at Jack's ticklish-ness.
last time you had a shower?: I dunno. Day ago?
Do you like surveys: They're a good way to procrastinate. =3
Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes.
Are you old enough to vote?: Nope! =D
Are you happy?: I'm blank, yo.
Are you sad?: I'm blank, yo.
Do you have mental breakdowns?: Not really. I was suicidal when I was young, though. I dunno why, maybe my parents' divorce?
Did you ever tell your parents you didn't feel good so you didn't have to go to school?: A couple times, normally didn't work.
Current Mood: Blank.
Current Music: Beyond the Meadow. (Apparently it's my theme song.)
Current Taste: Grapes stolen from my mom. =3
Current Hair: Loose ponytail, too lazy to take it down.
Current annoyance: Mom telliung me to turn down my music constantly. It's not that loud!
Current longing: Someone's company.
Thing I ought to be doing: Homework, 250-point project.
Current windows: Webcomic, this, Microsoft word, MS Paint, One AIM window.
Current desktop picture?: Wolfie with a scar over one eye. =33333
Favorite Music Artist: Loreena McKennitt.
Current Favorite Book: Not sure. Either Reaper Man or Song in the Silence.
Current CD In Stereo: None! =D
Current Video In VCR: Ummm..... I dunno.
Current DVD on DVD player: None, I think.
Current Worry: I won't be able to finish this, and Paolo won't give me my video.
High School Survey -
1) What's your second period? Japanese.
2) How many classes do you take? Seven.
3) Can you leave campus for lunch? Nope. ;_;
4) Where is your locker at? Don't got one! (Woot for bad grammar! =D)
5) Last time you waved at a teacher? Mr. Ertman, a few days ago.
6) Label yourself (punk, artsy, prep)? Artsy, weird, doesn't fit a stereotype.
7) Last person you saw at school? Sylvia.
8) Last time you were at school? 2:15? 2:20? I dunno!
9) When was the last time you attended a football game at your school? Never! =D
10) Last time you ditched class? A little over a week ago. I dicthed all 7! =3
11) And your favorite teacher is? Mr. Ertman, he's awesome.
12) Name one movie that has a scene at school? All I can think of is Napoleon Dynamite, but I haven't seen it nor do I want to.
13) Have any movies been filmed at your school? Nope, just news and studentstuffs.
14) Tell the truth, how safe is your school? Except for drugs, pretty safe.
15) Last time you cried at school? When we had to do a lab with a bunch of preserved animals last year. That was torture.
16) Last time you argued with a teacher? I dunno....
17) Ever seen someone smoke at your school? A lot.
18) How bout drink? Nope.
19) Last time you danced at school? A long time ago, can't really remember when.
20) Sing? Japanese class. =D
I still need my video from Paolo. I'm doomed without it.