~Fun Fic Friday~
TGIF! It's the day before the weekend, and what better way to close out a long week than with a fun dose of ficlets and drabbles of Luke, Reid, or Luke & Reid? Or how about some amazing icons or graphics of the guys? (Don't be fooled by the name - Fun (Graph)Fic Friday just didn't have the same ring to it.) Here's your chance
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When an organ suddenly isn’t an organ anymore then you know you’re in distress.
Such as when eyes aren’t visual organs anymore but dark-brown chocolate then you know you you’re in a deep mess.
…and lips are more than smartly constructed organs to pick up food but only made to seduce and confuse you than you should run as fast as you can
…and when a dick isn’t a dick anymore but LUKE’S, just Luke’s…the only thing you can do is surrender…
“Mr. Synder, get up, walk out of mummy’s house and get here, it’s an emergency…”
“Why? What happened?”
“Don’t make me say it…”
“...Come here, I need you tonight right by my side.”
“Was that so very difficult?”
“Would you please stop lecturing me and get your various, brilliant and unique organs where they belong?”
“How could I say no to such a nicely verbalized request? I am there in two minutes.”
Great ficlet.
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