Who Did What Now?

Mar 10, 2014 21:37

Title: Who Did What Now?
Author: lure007
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Noah is back in town for a visit. Hijinks ensue.
Disclaimer: No one but Luke and Reid own each other. As for the rest of Oakdale, eh.
A/N: Angsty fluff. Unbeta'd. Feedback and sandwiches are one and the same. :D


Luke barged into Reid’s office unannounced. Reid kept his eyes trained on the blank laptop screen in front of him, but his body reacted to Luke’s presence the way it always did - with affection and exasperation and a surge of lust. But then he remembered why he was hiding out in his office at the hospital in the first place, and it all went away.

“Why did you just up and leave like that?”

Reid didn't look up. “Huh. I figured you were too busy to notice,” he muttered under his breath.

Luke slammed Reid’s laptop lid shut. “Will you stop acting like a jerk for two minutes and look at me already?”

Reid half turned in his desk chair and narrowed his eyes. “Fine. What can I do for you, Mr. Snyder?”

“Oh no, you don’t,” Luke said, his eyes blazing. He slammed Reid’s desk with both hands. “Cut the ‘Mr. Snyder’ crap and start acting like an adult.”

“That’s rich,” Reid scoffed. “After the stunt you just pulled-”

“Which was what exactly?”

Luke’s voice had dropped an octave. That wasn't about to stop Reid from venting because - damn it! - he was entitled. He noticed the bump forming on Luke’s forehead, which only served to aggravate him further.

“What do you think?” Reid growled.

Luke watched the expression on his boyfriend's face carefully, and understanding suddenly dawned.

“You’re jealous.”

Reid flinched. “I am not jealous,” he said rather vehemently. “But vexed? Pissed? Absolutely. I’m with someone who was so entranced by the sight of Noah Mayer’s ass that he walked straight into a goddamn tree!”

Reid jumped out of his chair, clearly intent on bolting again when Luke grabbed him by the back of his neck and crashed their mouths together. One of Reid’s hands found purchase in the blonde locks while the other went around Luke’s waist, holding him possessively. They kissed each other furiously for minutes until the need for air broke them apart.

“You’re an idiot,” Luke said breathlessly, cupping Reid’s face with both hands. Their eyes locked, and Luke caressed the doctor's cheeks tenderly. “I wasn't looking at his butt. I was just surprised to see him in leather pants, that’s all.”

Both men stared at each other for a brief moment before bursting into laughter at the image, and Reid visibly relaxed against Luke’s warm and solid body.

Once they’d composed themselves, Reid playfully squeezed Luke’s chin. “I’m sorry.”

“I know you are,” Luke said, his hands sliding down to Reid’s butt. “Next time talk to me instead of running away, though, will you? I can’t believe you left a Walsh Barbecue - of all events - over something like this,” he teased.

Reid shrugged, and started squirming when Luke began rubbing slow circles over his jean-clad arse.

“When it comes to you, I can feel rather insecure,” Reid admitted quietly.

Luke stilled and sighed. “I’m sorry, too. I realise I was indecisive for a long time. But know that this-” Luke gave Reid’s tight buttocks a squeeze. “-is the only ass for me. And this?” Luke ground his aching cock against Reid’s equally hard one. “This is for you. Only you.”

Reid shivered and nodded as Luke sealed his promise with another brain-melting kiss.

“You sure have a way with words, Mr. Snyder.”

Luke winked. “I learn from the very best, Dr. Oliver.”

Reid hummed and carefully placed a soft kiss on Luke’s forehead. “Take a seat,” he said, heading for the office door. “I’ll go get an ice pack for that bump.”

Reid could feel Luke’s eyes on him the entire time. He grabbed his doctor's coat and slipped it on before stepping out into the hallway, covering the bulge at the front of his trousers.

That Luke Snyder was going to be the death of him.


rating: pg-13, !author|artist: lure007, fan fiction

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