LuRe Spring Cleaning Challenge - 2016

May 16, 2016 00:16

I am issuing a challenge to all LuRe lovers in this's time to spring clean!

Do you have a half-written story tucked away in your hard drive that's calling out to be finished? If so, it's time to spring clean your computer by completing it!

How about artwork or banners that you've thought about or pulled some assets together, but never got them arranged just the way you want?? Here's another opportunity to spring clean your computer and post your work so others can enjoy.

What do you need to get unstuck and started again? Do you need a deadline? Story help or advice? Tell us ....we'll try to meet your need.

Maybe you already posted some chapters, but for whatever reason, you never completed your story. Posting the rest of the chapters is a perfect opportunity for spring cleaning! (We're not only spring cleaning your computer and this comm, we're also trying to free up some space in your brain!)

I, for one, have more than one story that I need to finish. One of them is a Big Bang story that already has about 20 chapters written, but I also have a Yule Challenge story to complete (1/2 - 2/3 done), at least one very short story, another novella length story to complete and my crack novel (if you ever see that posted, you know this comm is over because it is very cracky but for some strange reason, I really enjoy writing it). I want to finish my Yule Challenge story and post it this summer (so that's my commitment). I need a new deadline, so this will help me get restarted.

Please comment below (or feel free to p.m. me) if you are interested in participating by writing or posting artwork. And let us know what help you need from us in the comm.

For those members who don't have a writing or art project, would you consider coaching a fellow member from the sidelines, encouraging them and/or giving story advice if requested? If so, please volunteer below.

Any participant is welcome to use our new banner (thanks to satine_1984 for creating it!) on their post if they want.

flowersforchuck's recent story, "Lions and Tigers and Bears" is a perfect example of spring cleaning. It was originally started a few years ago, but was only recently completed.

I just know there are still some great LuRe works out there that have yet to be unveiled....long or short, it doesn't let this Challenge be the next step in getting them done!!


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