long update.

Apr 23, 2006 11:27

so, what's been going on with me? school's been stressful. i've been awful this year. i have two Ds right now. what the hell? me. with nearly-failing grades.

i'm also still sick. that stupid cough will not go away. i feel fine, but the coughing is still drivin' me nuts -_-

softball. last weekend we were supposed to play belvidere in a double-header on saturday. we finally get to the fields after an hour long drive...and...no teams. the gates to the field were locked, the bases weren't out and the field wasn't raked. so we sat on the bleachers and did nothing for about an hour. we ended up playing a scrimage game against our own freshman team while we waited for the belvidere team to come back from BENSENVILLE! bensenville. yes. WHY would they drive all the way to fenton high school...to play streamwood high school. apparently, trinity high also went to bensenville to play us the week before that...and what's REALLY odd...is we don't even PLAY trinity high XD it's in chicago and it's out of our conference. we've never played them :/ and they're not on our schedule. so someone's majorly fucking up, in other words :3 also, i blew up at my coach the other day after our game. she wanted me to skip :/ skip? during warm-ups. and i said to her..."i don't skip." "so you're going to directly disobey my orders?" and i sat there for a minute and then i said..."looks like it." :D no more playing time for me, huh? there was actually a misunderstanding on my part. i didn't realize she wanted everyone to skip. even so, i wouldn't have skipped XD i don't skip. it's a matter of pride. so, the day before that game was the honor's cruise. it was fun. nothing too eventful. nothing eventful enough to mention besides that there was nice weather. when we got back from school they made us all go into the auditorium and we couldn't leave since there was about fifty minutes left in the school day. mary and i snuck out and walked home together. i'm on good terms with all the deans, so they let me get away with things =x i just walk past them all the time without a pass or an i.d. XD they don't care. the one dean that i don't know at all, he was 'on guard' at that time...=x and when i walked out of the auditorium (mary was coming out a few minutes after me so we didn't look too suspicious :3) he was sitting at the desk FILING HIS NAILS! XD i couldn't help myself...i went "what are youuu doing? XD" and he just looked at me and was like...">.> uhm-..filing this down. *madly embarassed*"... so, that day, i blew off my softball game. just went home and spent some quality time with mary XD oh, so anyway! back on topic =x after the game the day after the honor's cruise, the coach pulled me aside to bitch me out. and i bitched right back. all my anger and tension at not getting to play exploded. i yelled at her about how i'm the only first baseman on the team and she puts a right fielder/third baseman at first instead of me. how she makes me warm up the pitchers and i'm not a catcher. and many, many other little things that i don't even remember. i told her i work my ass off and i get no recognition, but the moment i do one thing wrong, she takes notice.

the next day, i played in the game. and the day after that. :3 so we'll see. i still maintain that it pays off to be horribly honest.

so, i was thinking about quitting softball next year...but i suppose i'll try out anyway, maybe. i dunno. i'm just afraid i won't have any fun. and i'm not sure i'm dedicated enough to rise early every morning for those five am practices that varsity endures -_- i'm also sad to be quitting on something i've loved for so long. something that used to drive me. danielle said...Iluv2talk728 (4:56:18 PM): quitting is only when you're giving up. If you don't enjoy it, you're not giving up anything. :/ and it's true. i just don't have fun anymore. i'm not confident in what i do and i feel like every move i make is being scrutinized unjustly. x.x *sighs* we'll see. i'll put off that decision until next year, i suppose.

oh, back to that entry about the easter party a couple weeks ago. those girls never did show up. and rachel and i had fun going to the park and coloring with sidewalk chalk...so. it wasn't so bad. the food was delicious, too :3 i'm so gunna miss these family parties...x.x

speaking of which. i dun think i've written this in here, yet...but nick is coming here this summer. right after we get back from spain, he's coming. he's going to be here for the fourth of july fireworks and the renn faire and the taste of chicago. i'm so excited and nervous i could just pass out x.x

we finally started getting the paper after years of my begging for it. so that's nice. when i move, i'm going to need to have the trib delivered to me still XD i love it to bits. so much information all condensed daily :3 i imagine i'll sit at the kitchen table and read my sections over breakfast every morning =x

i've started selling some of my old books on half.com to try to make some money. not working too well so far :3 i haven't sold one yet. XD

i spent a bunch of time yesterday practicing with the sealing wax and my new "J" seal for letters XD i burned myself too ;__; stupid me. it's fun though :3 makes me wanna write by snail mail.

lesse, what else...? *shrugs*

OH! puppies! we went to see the puppies after my game yesterday! ^__^ we picked out our girl! she still doesn't have a name, but she has three little white whiskers under her chin and now she has a little red collar with a black buckle :3 she's the smallest of the litter. they were so calm! puppies are usually nuts but these ones were lovely. the mom was sweet as pie :3

pictuuuures! :D

the end :3 hopefully another entry soon.
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