I'm currently reading
Electronic Computers and Management Control, and I'm not sure which makes me feel it a blast from the past more: either that they feel the need to carefully explain why one's business will be improved by using a properly chosen computer, or the fact that the book cost $2.95. ;_;
When I said as much to my mother, she mentioned that she remembered Mr. Kozmetsky, and that it was at his house where she heard her first rock song; his son had a copy of "Rock Around The Clock," so the children put it on and the adults all thought it was terrible. ^_^
Also that his daughter (Nadja?) had passed on some clothes for dress-up, so that when Grandpa told his daughters that they could pick out their own clothes to go to the hospital and see their younger sister when she was born, my mother and older sister chose some of the Nadja(?)-clothes, and my grandmother was pretty much appalled.