♕ Xie_aRf's ♥ WorkShop ♕
Well, Mind Introduce Yourself?
Comments To Be Added!
Hello there, my name is
lurveheechul - of course its not a real one!
Thanks for dropping here
This site is mainly established to show my love towards Asian entertainment and also to share my dedication in designing various digital arts.
Take note that there will be mostly post about graphic arts and also about my fandoms.
ELF | SHINee Wold | Hyphen | Inspirit
As always, comments are highly appreciated
The content in this journal maybe originally from me, and maybe I took out from other site (of course with permissions) and reshared here but I sure posted the credits to them
If you would like to take out from here, please copy all details and credits except there's none of it
Feel free to take out any of my medias
But, really, comments are appreciated
I really love to read your comments, well at least say thank you
Have fun here then
*note - this site is semi-friends, meaning that some posts may not be visible unless you added me as your friend. the posts are mostly on download links, interesting/cute pics