That's my eye... if you couldn't tell. Hehe's.
My new hair!! Red is the new blonde!!
I was thining about sending this picture into the Baywatch directors, but I didn't want anyone to get laid off.
So yeah, that was my new,only, friend during spring break and I didn't even get his number.
It says' I love you in the sand. I wrote that with my toe!
Lastly, my Braves jersey thingy. It said large at the thrift store so I thought I would get it for Adam, but then I put it on and it was tight so I realized it was a youth large. Oppsies!
Didn't you know I LOVE MARILYN MANSON & HORROR BOOKS {while I am reading "A walk to remember"}!! Hmm...That's crazy. The only thing I think really relates to me is the abstinence thingy and that's why I wanted to post it.
I do like the sexy part though.. hehe's.