...and I always choose WRONG!
In other news, this is the most horribly addictive song in the history of Asian pop. It is also probably the most loltastic thing you will ever see:
http://community.livejournal.com/omonatheydidnt/1781601.html Wow, so much shit has gone down in the 3 (?) months I haven't posted. On the job front, I was "interviewed" by the Arizona Americorp guy, who actually just talked for literally an hour, telling me how intense the job was, chainsaws were used every day, and don't worry, we were taught first aid in case of scorpion or rattlesnake bite (lolol is it wrong I was totally like, COOL while he went through that part? A slightly scared cool, but a cool nonetheless) while I sat there clutching the phone waiting for the questions to start. At the very end, he told me he didn't know how many of the current Vista employees were coming back, so once he knew that there was in fact, an opening, he would let me know.
Gee, thanks for letting me know. AFTER I APPLIED.
Don't let me fool you into thinking I'm complaining, though. Still psyched for the job, still gung-ho about how hard- core it is, just slightly more realistic now. Plus pissed the guy hedged his bets by not mentioning he wanted applicants in case enough people didn't come back to the program next year.
And hey! Guess what guys?? I officially have ADD! I don't want to go in to all the dumb emo reasons I refused to get diagnosed while in high school or college, but I thought it was prudent to check it now, especially siiiiince...
...I'm taking the LSATs Dec 5th! I'm taking a Kaplan course to help study for it, and the course pack came with 5 (!) huuuuge study books, so I have enough study material to last me 18 years. Our first class was a diagnostic, a real LSAT to give us an idea of where we were, and what we should study. That was an interesting night, since it was also the first day I took Aderol for my ADD. Note to self: Do not EVER take Aderol at 3 pm. It will end weirdly. In this case, it ended with me driving home after the 3 1/2 hour test at 11 pm ready to take another one, and so relieved and psyched that I could handle the thing that I burst into the house in tears crying about how I was going to become a lawyer. My poor parents thought I had been in a car crash. I then spend the night self correcting my test and didn't get to sleep until 4:30. Work the next day was a drag, let me tell you.
Anyway, a week later I broke out in horrible hives in the middle of the night, and stayed all ichty and miserable for three days. Needless to say, the Aderol stopped and I'm getting myself some new meds. Except now I'm off the meds, and I don't know whether studying all day today like I swore I would was b/c I'm not on meds, or b/c I /know/ I'm not on meds, so it's an excuse for being all forgetful and aimless. Like I always am.
I would still not even believe ADD is real, except I was so wonderfully productive and energetic on the damn Aderol. I'm tempted to just take it again for the second Diagnostic tomorrow, and screw the damn hives.
Grr. Srsly, grr.
On the other hand, I had a wonderful, beautiful day yesterday! Went shopping with Michelle, a co-worker, and was pleasantly surprised at how little I had to work to keep conversation going. It was all very relaxing. Usually I sit there like an ass, trying to think of entertaining things to say. But Michelle is so laidback, it was really fun! We went to a Halloween shop and tried on sexy costumes, then went to Burger King and just chatted. It was really great. Then last night I went on the Flamig Farms haunted hay ride with Amy and my parents and Sophia! Oh my GOD so much fun. I screamed even when I saw the damn guys in the trees. This year, people actually climbed into the ride!! That was the scariest part for me, but Amy flipped when clowns jumped out. She covered her eyes and everything lol!
And, so end this epic post, I shall bequeath upon you valuable knowledge: Kim Jaejoong is the most beautiful man on Earth. No really: