Yes to Scrabble! hehe. Thanks for the long comment. We really eat meat once and a while so cutting it out for me will be easy, well easy-ish. We'll see. It's not like I am going vegan. I still want my animal products, just not their flesh. Ew. Sounds gross saying it like that. p.s. I will kick your anthro butt in scrabble! Abomindable! shoot, I got it wrong too. =)
Same for me. I'm pretty much a vegetarian now. I was one for three years, but then went back to eating meat mostly because it's easier when I travel. It's hard to tell someone who just butchered a goat in your honor that you don't eat meat...haha. But with the exception of a few things...I really just don't enjoy it anymore. I don't think it's even necessary to make a decision one way or another about being a vegetarian. I just eat what I feel like my body is telling me to eat (with some restraint otherwise I'd eat nothing but donuts with sprinkles). I do think vegetarianism is probably much healthier. We need protein, but eating meat every day is just ridiculous.
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