drinking obviously, halloween night, i had black fucking hair.
those are two hot girls, kate and jonie. i love em to death.
Spudfarmer05: you look stoned , i might have been.
definitely got val on the skill center bus.
im cute, lmao. not really.
kate loves to come over, walk in my room and lay down.
what are best friends really for right?
if you would have asked me a month ago i would have told you
these two things are the best in the world, but i quit smoking so
now i love my traverse city cherry cappichino and thats it.
it looks like vee's gunna kick the shit out of her bro.
but shes down! ( lupes going away to the army party)look at all that smoke in the air, that was a good night. i took this when i was wasted, not bad huh?
leave it to sandricka to take a picture of someone.
tyler mtryick, hes a standish boy.
at the mall with jeni before homecoming.