so, i've been extremely lazy and i haven't posted these pictures, which were taken like.. not even that long ago.. but people have been bugging me to send them and whatever, so i thought it'd be easier to post them all here and people can just steal them.
friday the 13th was field day at school. pretty much it's all about school spirit and class spirit and all this junk. the girls and i thought we'd make a team and just get drunk and mess around all day. so we did. our team was the burn-outs. hell yeaaa!
we bought a whole pizza and ate it too. haha nice ana.
kara, carlos, milady, and yessica (:
ew @ me. colleen and i.
ana and i never ever take serious, good-looking pictures..
i don't really know. ana and colleen.
MINAA and daniel. and calvin's there too.
mina and vneck.
me. and mina.
after that, i left my camera in the car cause fuck walking around with a bag when you're playing fucking STREET HOCKEY! we won, btw (:
later that night was the football game. basically, it was get drunk early, sober up/take naps, get drunk again.
colleen and veronica. love it.
jenny and le crouching by vneck's car cause they're paranoid.
everyone's real happy.
me, trying to be cool. and ana, duh.
i don't know.
cute ana..... haha
colleen's leg in the air. and everyone else.
nick and meghan.. i don't really know..
mina ha and analiserrr
and yea, that was it.
definitely a good time (:
thennnn.. friday. vneck and i were just kinda wasting time.. and we got sick of that and decided to go to my house and meet up with andy there. and we did, and he got to see what my parents are REALLY like.. they were pouring us all shots and i got wasted and my mom was drunk, and we danced, except not andy, and veronica left, andddd.. andy slept in my bed. with me. yayyy! it was so nice (:
i have just a few pictures from that night too.
my mom always makes fun of me for making faces in pictures. so she decided to pretty much molest veronica and yea.. result.
veronica literally attacking my boyfriend..
veronica took pictures of herself.
my boo (:
that's it. i'm glad i got that done.
saturday morning-ish, andy left at like 1, and i got up and showered and went and got panera soup with veronica. then we were gonna go to the movies but there wasn't anything playing during the day pretty much so we went to the fabric place for her to get some stuff for her sewing class. went home for a bit and then andy picked me up and we went and saw Man of the Year. it was good. funny and good. go see it. went to clinton and met his sister. she's madd nice. met up with kelli<333 and mike and went to some party in worcester. it sucked, to say the least. some bitch gave kelli dirty looks from the second she walked in and we were just about ready to punch a bitch in the face. but we didn't. andy and i left and went back to his house and had sex. went to sleep.. it was good.
today was his nephews birthday party. met tons of his family, and it was fun. he went back to amherst tonight ): but next weekend will be wicked good (: i'm gonna try to remember to take pictures.....
i gotta go do my spanish homework wicked quick cause i forgot.
this entry sucked.
love, me.