Help please forumites?

Apr 02, 2013 09:35

Hey guys! I know this place is dead, but for some reason I can't log in to the forums and the admins arent answering my emails, so I thought I'd try asking here: has anyone heard anything about any new products for 2013? I don't mean seasonal/holiday things, just new things to replace any discons? BTW, any more news on whether Emotional ( Read more... )

retro, new products

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Comments 2

hamarakissa April 2 2013, 23:56:13 UTC
Hmm I haven't heard of anything yet - I've seen a couple things back, but I don't know if they're LE or not.


patch_tank April 3 2013, 12:16:36 UTC
I've just heard that the UK site are doing away with the monthly retro updates and are going to do something different, but I don't know any details. Thanks for replying!


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