Mar 22, 2005 13:05


welcome to my livejournal. obviously it's friends only because I have personal stuff in here. so here's a little 411 about me. my name is Sanya, I live in New York (NOT THE CITY). check my interests to see if we like some of the same things. if you decide to friend me, you don't have to comment on every entry but occasionally is nice. don't add me if you're just doing it to have more friends. I am a stoner so if you are especially offended by that and cannot handle nor accept that, then LATER. I am generally ok to get along with just don't piss me off. I love ppl that have a sense of humor. that's about it.

P.S. if you sleep around, mess with others boyfriends, can't keep your legs shut, talk about sex constantly, think about sex constantly, masturbate or anything along the lines of a slut then don't even consider reading anymore. kthnx. :D ENJOY!

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