Name = Lisa Pineda
:x: Tattoos = none
:x: Piercings = some
:x: Height= 5'1-2
:x: Shoe size = 6.5 or 7....hehe...u know what they say about small feet? i dont.
:x: Hair color = ugly
:x: Siblings = 2 ...younger sister, younger brother
:x: Movie you rented = boss's daughter...(stupid movie)
:x: Movie you last bought = idk
:x: CD you bought/burned = some mix my cousin made me
:x: Song you listened to = Black Dog
:x: T.V. show you've watched = I caught a glimpse of American Idol
:x: thing you bought = powerade
:x: You have a crush on someone = yes
:x: You wish you could live somewhere else = at times
:x: You think about suicide = honestly...rarely
:x: Others find you attractive = not sure.
:x: You want more piercings = no
:x: You like cleaning = no
:x: You like roller coasters = of course
:x: You write cursive or print = print
For or Against:
:x: Long distance relati.= i wouldnt start one...but if a relationship had to turn into one...i'd be FOR.
:x: Suicide = against
:x: Killing people = against
:x: Teenage smoking = against
:x: Driving drunk = against
:x: Gay/lesbian relati.= for
:x: Soap operas = um..depends i guess
Have You:
:x: Ever cried over a girl = yes. haha barbara. cuz i miss her
:x: Ever cried over a boy = yes...johnny.
:x: Ever lied to someone. = yea
:x: Ever been in a fist fight = not rilly
:x: Ever been arrested = no
:x: Shampoo do you use = w/e...but right now garnier fructis
:x: Shoes do you wear = mostly chucks...but other stuff too...and sandals on the weekends.
:x: Are you scared of = heartbreak/heartache. sharks...snakes sometimes...turantula's
:x: Of hearts I have broken? = a few
:x: Of people I could trust with my life = a few special special friends
:x: Of times my name has appeared in the news = many im sure (BRIAN! UR NAME HAS APPEARED IN THE NEW A LOT TOO JUST NOT ABOUT U!...THINK...)
:x: Of scars on my body? = two...or more idk.
:x: Of things in my past that I regret? = a few
Do you think you are:
:x: Pretty = not hideous
:x: Funny = could be
:x: Hot = wow why dont i just marry myself...
:x: Friendly = sure
:x: Loveable = i hope so
:x: Caring = yea
:x: Dorky = yea
Person who last:
:x: Slept in your bed = other than me...vic
:x: Saw you cry = umm...barbara
:x: Yelled at you = dad
:x: Sent you an email = osanna
Have you ever:
:x: Said "I love you"= yea
:x: Kept a secret = yea
:x: cried during a movie = yes
:x: Planned your week based on the TV Guide = no
:x: Wished you were the opposite sex = sometimes...i think guys have it easier
:x: What time is it now = 9:58
:x: Apples or bananas = depends on my mood
:x: Blue or red = depends...i like both..but blue, if its like navy blue.
:x: Walmart or target= target
:x: Spring or Fall = spring
:x: What are you gonna do after you finish this = sleep? try re-downloading something again...
:x: Noise you heard = my dad's voice...
:x: Smell you sniffed = garnier fructis
:x: Time you went out of state = Vegas over spring break with vic.
:x: Do you believe in love at first sight = umm...i guess it could seem possible. i believe in INFATUATION
:x: Do you want children one day & if so, how many = of course..and i want two, one boy first, then a girl. CUZ I ALWAYS WANTED A BIG BROTHER.
Other Info:
:x: Criminal record = clean
:x: Do you speak any other languages = nope not really
:x: Last book you read = romeo and juliet, if that counts..
:x: Who you love = my family, my friends always..
:x: Initials = LAP
:x: How old do you look = u be the judge...i think i look my age?
:x: How old do you act = my age..and sometimes younger.
:x: Pets = none
:x: What makes you happy = my friends,my mom & my little brother, music, volleyball, food.
Have You Ever:
:x: Thought you were going to die = hahaha yah many times.
:x: Wanted to Run away = yea
:x: Flunked a grade = not rilly
:x: Ran away = no
:x: Skipped a grade = no
:x: Moved = no
:x: Attempted to commit suicide = not really
:x: Thought about it = yea
:x: Gotten drunk = yea once
:x: Been in jail = no
:x: Contacted the police = umm...i dont think so
:x: Been in love = umm...seemed like it. but probably not yet.
:x: Been in lust = yea
:x: Smoked = no
:x: Been suspended = no
:x: Stolen Anything = yea
:x: Cheated On A Test = yea
:x: Cheated On A Boy/Girlfriend = no, and i dont think i ever will cuz i know how it feels (ZACK DANE)
:x: Been In The Hospital = yea
:x: Let a friend cry on your shoulder = of course
:x: Fell asleep in the bath = the shower...
:x: Gone to Church = yup
:x: Never slept during the night = yea
:x: Been to camp = basketball camp...and some other so-called camps..but none of those sleep away camps
:x: Gone a week w/out shaving = yah...but not since i started...or rarely
:x: Didn't wash your hair for a week = ew...hellz no.
:x: Been in a earthquake = yea
:x: Been in a tornado = no
:x: Knew you were in love = thought i was.
:x: Streaked in the streets = ha
:x: Been Skinny-dipping = no
:x: Screamed at someone for no reason = probably
:x: Been in a fight = yes
:x: Been hurt by someone you loved = well...that can be taken two ways..
:x: Been attacked = yea
nice ending...