You guys like?

Jul 28, 2004 15:02

New layout. Of course.
I thought of it while I was going to sleep.
I even used the 'generator' layout, the one that everyone has.
But that was the only one that would look nice with the layout I made.
Any different and it would have looked, chunky.
Whatever, you guys don't care what I think about the layouts. As long as it looks good. Ha.
The lyrics ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

picasso1655 July 28 2004, 12:50:50 UTC
It looks awesome. I like the colors.


lustingfallacy July 28 2004, 13:27:02 UTC
many thanks.


irish_bastard July 28 2004, 13:51:45 UTC
you really have a talent for making backgrounds, maybe thats why you change it so often, lol.


lustingfallacy July 28 2004, 15:19:12 UTC
aww thanks.


punkybrewster_x July 28 2004, 14:11:23 UTC
I really like this new layout. it's peachy. I miss you. wish you'd get your vietnamese ass online. I am reading A Kitchen God's Wife. I like it. It kind of remindsme of you in a way. PEACE..and stuff


lustingfallacy July 28 2004, 15:21:01 UTC
peaches!! lol, natural high. damn straight.
i am online now, you are away.
Yeah TKGW is pretty good. I should get to reading it..again.


punkybrewster_x July 28 2004, 17:12:23 UTC
love you


lustingfallacy July 28 2004, 17:22:06 UTC
oh my! i love you too!


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