OOC Information:
Name: Megan
Age: 21
AIM: shotgunmadnessxo or analogypimp
E-MAIL: analogypimp@gmail.com
IC Information:
Name: Lily Evans
Fandom: Harry Potter
Timeline: A few months into Seventh year
Age: 16
Appearance: There isn't much on her appearance, seeing as she's technically dead when the series starts. The most notable things about Lily's appearance would be her red hair that goes to her shoulders and her bright green eyes. Lily I imagine dresses like any other witch in Hogwarts, her robes over a normal girls school uniform. As for unique things, Lily likes to put her hair up while she's studying so it doesn't get in the way or getting dressed up, for a 'different' look for herself.
Otherwise, it can be assumed that Lily has the build of any average sixteen year old girl.
Abilities: Being one of the brightest witches in her year, Lily's abilities range far and wide. She is know for her Charms work especially, but it can be noted that she excels in Potions as well as Transfiguration. Any spells Lily would be able to do within Facility would be efficient so long as she had her wand, and the variety of spells is too ridiculous to list completely.
As a side note, Lily is capable of producing small magic without her wand, but these are only small things such as being able to slow a fall or controlling flower petals. Subtle small things that certainly wouldn't be able to save her life.
Lily is also capable of producing a Patronus in the shape of a Doe, just like Severus Snape.
Personality: Lily is a girl of equal standing for everyone, being a Muggleborn witch. She is known for being very well liked because of her kindness to people, and Lily would stand up and fight for anyone in an instant. Even if she did not know the person. This, I assume, is what helps to make her a popular person within Hogwarts since it's said that Lily was well known by people at school. Her being popular is likely something she didn't seek out on her own.
However, if one crosses Lily, they can expect sharp words and possible hexes because while Lily is very kind and caring, she is also hot headed. If Lily sees someone being bullied, she has no problem with letting you know just exactly why you're in the wrong. On this subject, anyone who uses the word 'Mudblood' or expresses an interest is immediately put on Lily's bad side because of how offensive it is to her. Blood has nothing to do with the brilliance and success of a witch.
Lily is also a very brilliant witch, and doesn't miss much around her. This is proven with how she put the clues together on Remus being a werewolf; and her kindness also shows through here when she makes it clear that it doesn't even matter what he is. She is very courageous and selfless, if her future of sacrificing her own life for her son's says anything about how far she is willing to go for the people she loves.
Having such high morals when it comes to acceptance and people being treated well, Lily believes in upholding the rules for the most part. This causes a lot of tension for her with James Potter and the others. However, it should be noted that Lily is capable of breaking rules as well. Whenever she would come home for breaks, Lily would practice illegal underage magic to show Petunia things despite knowing the consequences. In her later years, I also assume that she stops hounding James as much and turns a blind eye to the sillier tricks he pulls.
History: Lily 'Nee Evans was born into a normal Muggle family on January 30th, 1960, two years after her older sister Petunia. It was at a fairly young age that Lily began to discover that she had powers of some kind, like the ability to make flower's petals move without touching them. At the age of nine, Severus Snape came into Lily's life, who informed her that she was a witch.
Lily and Severus talked about magic while Petunia watched, and slowly but surely their relationship started to crumble because of how envious Petunia was of her. Snape and Petunia also did not get along, Petunia making fun of Snape in anger from him looking down on her for being a Muggle, and this didn't help in making their relationship any better. Eventually Lily received her letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, and Petunia became so jealous and worried she would be left behind that she wrote to Dumbledore to ask if she too could join Lily. Petunia was denied, and from that point on Petunia treated her sister as if she were a freak.
While boarding the Hogwarts Express, Lily finally lost her patience with Petunia and pointed out that she begged Dumbledore to let her come, too, and then boarded the train. Despite this, she still did keep in touch and try with Petunia through-out the years.
On the train is where Lily met James Potter and Sirius Black, who made fun of Snape for his leaning towards the Slytherin house. Lily was angered by this, and immediately found herself disliking the kind of people those two were. Lily even turned her back on Sirius when she was sorted into Gryffindor soon after he was, and sat somewhere else.
At school, Lily excelled quickly in most of her classes, but specifically Potions and Charms (it's assumed because of Horace Slughorn's interest in her). She also stayed friends with Severus Snape despite having been sorted in separate houses, though his choice in friends and interests started to weigh on their friendship. Lily couldn't approve of anyone who hated Muggle-Born's or practiced the Dark Arts, and Severus was slowly but surely getting sucked in. But still, Lily stuck by him the best she could.
In the fifth year that came to an end, when James Potter and crew finally pushed the limit on their bullying Severus by flipping him upside down in the air and showing his underclothes to people. Lily jumped to his defense, but Severus was so humiliated and angry that he called her a Mudblood. Lily was so hurt by this, and the fact that Severus still intended on continuing doing bad things that she refused to ever forgive him despite his desperation. It was never enough, if he couldn't stop what he was doing.
Throughout her sixth year at Hogwarts, Lily continued to deny James' invitations to date him, still not finding him to be mature enough. That being said, at this point Lily certainly didn't hate James, just what he did with his friends.
Finally in Seventh year, Lily and James were both named Head Boy and Head Girl, and eventually James showed her that he could be responsible enough. Lily agreed to date him, and eventually did fall for him even if it took her time.
Whether or not Lily knew about Remus being a werewolf in her later school years is up for debate, at one point Severus brings up that he's acting strange and Lily just brushes it off by saying that she doesn't care what Potter and his friends do. Being a brilliant witch, it's assumed that like Hermione Granger years later, she did put it together and just didn't want to expose Remus considering she really did happen to like him as a person. Remus didn't bully other people like his other friends did.
Roleplay Sample - Log: Lily sat in the Gryffindor Common room with a pile of books and parchment spread all around her on one of the nice rugs on the floor near the fireplace, a quill delicately held in between her teeth as she tied her hair up. It was a normal study habit for her, there was nothing more distracting than having all of that bright hair flooding her paper.
On a normal day, Lily didn't have this kind of homework pile up, but James had been insistent on dragging her down to the lake to meet the rest of the crew the day before. Conveniently at her usual time of settling down to get things done. Briefly she wondered if he had his homework finished already, and scowled a little bit as she plucked the quill from in between her teeth. How was it he could hardly study (although she would give him credit, he had been trying a lot harder lately) and still be brilliant like he was? Lily had to work pretty hard to do as well as she had throughout the years...
Lily sighed and tapped her quill against the parchment, trying to decide where to start on her Potions work while ignoring the sudden exhaustion that hit her. Her day must have been much more tiring than she had realized...Lily set the quill down to rub one eye, her brows knitting into a frown. Rubbing just one eye made her want to rub the other, so she lifted her hand to do both at the same time. It made her feel dizzy...and the heat from the fire certainly wasn't help her case at all.
The redhead had started to move to get up, but the rest just went completely blank. It felt like she had been sleeping for days when the redhead finally came to, blinking her heavy eyes multiple times to clear her vision. The sight of a white ceiling was offensive to her eyes, and alarming, so Lily turned her head with a gasp and squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to will her heart to stop pounding in her chest.
Where was she? The Gryffindor common room definitely did not have a ceiling like that, and Lily was positive that she had just been there doing her homework. Bright green eyes slowly opened, and this time there was a desk in view. A desk that didn't ease her panic what-so-ever, but it certainly didn't hurt her eyes right off the bat. That was an improvement.
Lily finally dared to sit up and look around the room, almost terrified to even breathe out of fear of someone bursting in the door before the bed she just woke up in. Lily lived in a strange world, but waking up in a random room--without her wand, she realized with despair as she checked for it--was defintiely out of the ordinary.
The only thing that she could find in the room that could be of any use was a strange device on the desk next to her. Lily was scared to even pick it up, but with a deep breath she finally snatched it up and drew it in to examine it. It looked like a telephone, but it had letters...and a million buttons that were mind boggling to her. Not because it was hard, just because she hadn't ever seen technology this advanced.
Lily tried to decide whether or not she should stay in this spot and check it out, or if she should see if the door was unlocked. Logic told her it was smarter to investigate the only clue she had placed with her first, and that the door could wait. So she fiddled with the device, chewing on her lower lip nervously.
Where in the world was she? And why was she here at all? Was she alone? Was something terrible happening that she had somehow missed? It was...too insane, and Lily's only hope was to discover that she wasn't alone.
Roleplay Sample - Journal:
[The feed starts, but nothing happens right away except for some shuffling around and some shots of a wobbly ceiling. Then there is a flash of red hair and green eyes before the view is to the floor instead.] Did I get it on...? This...stupid...what time period is this even from?! 3050?
[The camera flips over again, and this time that redheaded stranger is revealed to the camera. Lily squints a little at the device in hand before letting an accomplished grin take over her features for a moment. Then her expression drops into something a little bit more serious.] Er...okay...I think it's working now...so...um...if anyone sees this, would you kindly explain what exactly is going on here? One minute I was doing my homework and the next...[A pause and Lily laughs, though she suddenly looks nervous as she glances away.] Well, that's self explanatory. Regardless, I would really appreciate the help.
[The feed keeps going as Lily fumbles to figure out how to end it, and after a minute she looks absolutely annoyed with it. Then it ends.]
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