I always have thought that Isabella of Angoulême was an interesting character. She was the wife of King John "Lackland", also known as bad old Prince John from the Robin Hood mythos. She married him when she was 13, but by all accounts had a temper and demeanour to match his was the Helen of the Middle Ages, famed for her beauty. As far as I've been able to glean, she was of a fairly mercurial temperament, thus the variety of this mix (from the Mediæval Bæbes to Nightwish!).
I have to apologise somewhat for the last two songs. The song by Kaye sounded like the childish creature Isabella was all her life (allegedly), and the Nightwish song is a sort of ode to that childishness. It is not, however, the best Nightwish song you'll ever hear.
1. Isabella - Mediæval Bæbes
Io Isabella danzando ne prati
Verdi della primavera
(I Isabella dancing
on the spring meadows)
2. Les Portes Du Souvenir - Les Nubians
Enfin, elle croit voir l’avenir
Ses amants passés se pressent sur son corps alangui
(She believes to see the future
Her past lovers press themselves
Against her languished body)
3. Razor Valentine - Thea Gilmore
I love you like a whisper
I love you all alone
I love you like a murder, babe,
I'm burying the bones
4. Jailbait - Madeline Adams
She's fifteen,
Well she's extreme
She's jailbait
5. Midnight Moon - Kaye
Outside my window it's a midnight moon
My bare feet
White in its light
Softly I sneak out to the midnight moon
My bare feet
Make no sound
6. Eva - Nightwish
Eva flies away
Dreams the world far away
Songs + artwork here