Annoying conversation with annoying little nitwit retard.

Jan 09, 2005 11:37

awwww-see says: (11:22:57 AM)

Lily says: (11:23:01 AM)
   Hey sophie

awwww-see says: (11:23:05 AM)

Lily says: (11:23:06 AM)
   its lily

Lily says: (11:23:11 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:23:11 AM)
   i don't know a lily

awwww-see says: (11:23:14 AM)
   you have the wrong sophie.

Lily says: (11:23:17 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:23:27 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:23:30 AM)
   check my profile.

awwww-see says: (11:23:36 AM)
   you'll find it's not the person you're looking for

Lily says: (11:23:38 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:23:42 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:23:43 AM)
   no O_o

Lily says: (11:23:59 AM)
   wat is it with the O_o

awwww-see says: (11:24:11 AM)
   it's my face i pull when people a) tell me to shut up b) make no sense.

Lily says: (11:24:26 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:24:31 AM)
   you make no sense.

Lily says: (11:24:41 AM)
   no you make no sense

awwww-see says: (11:24:45 AM)
   i don't know how to explain it in a more simple form. i am not the person you are looking for

awwww-see says: (11:24:48 AM)
   I am a different Sophie.

awwww-see says: (11:24:54 AM)
   there is more than one sophie in the world.

Lily says: (11:25:00 AM)
   wats your last name

Lily says: (11:25:10 AM)
   is your boyfriend called James?

Lily says: (11:25:52 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:26:54 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:26:58 AM)
   my boyfriend is not James.

Lily says: (11:27:12 AM)
   wats your sis name then

Lily says: (11:27:20 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:28:16 AM)
   none of your business!

awwww-see says: (11:28:23 AM)
   damnit. go away. i am not the sophie you know. leave me alone.

Lily says: (11:28:30 AM)
   ok where do you live

awwww-see says: (11:28:36 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:28:36 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:28:37 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:28:38 AM)

Lily says: (11:29:00 AM)

Lily says: (11:29:04 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:29:06 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:29:07 AM)
   you suck

awwww-see says: (11:29:10 AM)
   leave me alone.

Lily says: (11:30:54 AM)
   Lucie my sister has your address and she said that you are Sophie Brooks and your sisters name is Lucy brooks and your boyfriends name is James and you live at Cherry something and your SHORT!!!

awwww-see says: (11:31:15 AM)
   actually I'm 5"11*

awwww-see says: (11:31:19 AM)
   which is not short.

awwww-see says: (11:31:23 AM)
   my boyfriend is not James. My boyfriend is Jacian.

awwww-see says: (11:31:35 AM)
   I do not live anywhere near anything named Cherry.

awwww-see says: (11:31:39 AM)
   and I don't know any Lucies.

Lily says: (11:31:57 AM)
   but your sister

awwww-see says: (11:32:00 AM)
   and lastly my last name is not Brooks.

awwww-see says: (11:32:06 AM)

Lily says: (11:32:12 AM)
   but she spells her name Lucy

awwww-see says: (11:32:16 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:32:18 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:32:19 AM)

Lily says: (11:32:21 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:32:21 AM)

Lily says: (11:32:22 AM)

Lily says: (11:32:26 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:32:26 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:32:29 AM)

Lily says: (11:32:31 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:32:39 AM)

Lily says: (11:32:45 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:32:48 AM)
   you suck.

Lily says: (11:32:53 AM)
   you are correct

awwww-see says: (11:33:04 AM)
   you're not even smart enough to come up with a logical argument as to why I would be someone named Sophie Brooks.

Lily says: (11:33:04 AM)
   i suck lolli pops

awwww-see says: (11:33:07 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:33:14 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:33:25 AM) that's me.

Lily says: (11:33:26 AM)
   u suck

awwww-see says: (11:33:41 AM)
   I am not the person you are looking for ok? Come to terms with it. Be at peace with the mistake you made.

Lily says: (11:34:25 AM)
   why at the top of my screen has it got not live........

awwww-see says: (11:34:37 AM)
   how old are you?

Lily says: (11:34:50 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:34:54 AM)

Lily says: (11:34:58 AM)
   yrs old

awwww-see says: (11:35:02 AM)
   you're ten years old.

Lily says: (11:35:04 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:35:06 AM)
   ok now it makes a lot more sense.

Lily says: (11:35:17 AM)
   i am 13

Lily says: (11:35:20 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:35:22 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:35:39 AM) < URL < email address.

awwww-see says: (11:35:43 AM)
   do you know the difference.

awwww-see says: (11:35:45 AM)
   I am speaking English.

awwww-see says: (11:35:50 AM)
   Is English....your....second...language.

Lily says: (11:35:53 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:35:59 AM)

Lily says: (11:35:59 AM)
   ur so dumb

awwww-see says: (11:36:02 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:36:04 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:36:07 AM)
   am so dumb?

Lily says: (11:36:12 AM)

Lily says: (11:36:20 AM)
   yeah ur dumb

awwww-see says: (11:36:25 AM)

awwww-see says: (11:36:28 AM)
   you're so blocked.

Lily says: (11:36:29 AM)


* And especially for Jacian, who objects to me telling random twits that I'm 5'11, it has been confirmed that I am actually 5'10 and a bit. Lest there be any more confusion.


From : Michael Moore
Reply-To : 
Sent : Saturday, 8 January 2005 6:17:37 PM
To : ""

Subject : 
In the Clearing Stands a Boxer... a letter from Michael Moore

January 7, 2005

Dear Friends,

Something historic happened yesterday.  For the first time since 1877 a member of the House and a member of the Senate stood up together to object to the outcome of a presidential election.

This is the first step on a necessary road toward making sure that everyone is allowed to vote and that every vote is counted (something we did not see in 2000 or 2004) so the next time around ALL of us can be confident, when the election results come in, that they reflect the will of the people, not the whim of mechanical error and human obstruction.

Unlike 2000, when the black members of Congress were told to sit down and shut up, this time a senator had the courage to stand with them, as the law requires, to force Congress to go back to their separate chambers to discuss and debate the issues surrounding the vote count.  Senator Barbara Boxer rose to the occasion and stood with Ohio Representative Stephanie Tubbs Jones and 29 other Representatives "to cast the light of truth on a flawed system which must be fixed now." The ensuing debate, at times, became a debate over me and all of you and the fact that we would dare make the attempt to protect our democracy.

I was blown away when Representative Maxine Waters took to the floor and said, "Mr. Speaker and members, I dedicate my objection to Ohio's electoral votes to Mr. Michael Moore, the producer of the documentary '9/11' and I thank him for educating the world on the threats to our democracy and the proceedings of this house on the acceptance of the electoral college votes for the 2000 presidential election."

I am honored to the point of embarrassment because it is Maxine Waters who deserves thanks for defending our most basic right, not once, but twice.

Coming out of the gates like this in the very first week of session sent a strong message that we are not going to be pushed around. If the Republicans think the next four years are going to be a cakewalk, they've got another thing coming. With Michigan Representative John Conyers leading the charge, we showed them something not seen in over 120 years. And we're just getting started!

Congratulations to the tens of thousands of you who called, faxed, and e-mailed Barbara Boxer and other senators. You have shown the world, with the strength of your convictions, that the movement toward a truly representative democracy will not be stopped in its tracks. Yesterday's actions will be marked by history books as a turning point for the electoral process and for a Democratic Party that has for too long sat back and taken it on the chin.

Your voices have echoed all the way up to the hallowed halls of Congress and for that, you deserve thanks more than anyone.


Michael Moore

P.S. If you want to see portions of what took place, check out the video clips and transcripts on the website.
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