Title: Taste of love Pairing: Tetsu/Hyde Rating: .... R? bad language and strong scene xD Genre: angst Summary: "If you commited the sin I'd take the punishment, if you wanted to kill someone I'd do it for you..."
WOW, this was... intense. Really intense. I don't remember the last time I gripped my mouse so hard while reading a one-shot like this :)
I find it really interesting how you switched how they're normally portrayed. Not the physical aspect - the pain, the abuse and even the "use" I can somehow see much easier than the attitude towards love and feelings. But it fit so perfectly in this, every part of it.
I liked the part where Tetsu cried. I loved the ending and how Hyde seems so absolutely swallowed up in this. Actually, it's easier to just say I loved all of this. Thank you for sharing.
I'm now going to listen to the song... I think it might sound a little different after this :)
Thank you so much for reading and commenting! Actually for a moment I thought of not posting this fic because it is quite different from what I use to write but I'm truly glad you liked it :D I don't know what else to say, but... thank you :D
This is different, but in a good way. I'm not sure how to explain it properly, but I loved the feelings in this~ And I love how you perfectly incorporated the song into the fic too <3 Great job!
Comments 4
I find it really interesting how you switched how they're normally portrayed. Not the physical aspect - the pain, the abuse and even the "use" I can somehow see much easier than the attitude towards love and feelings. But it fit so perfectly in this, every part of it.
I liked the part where Tetsu cried. I loved the ending and how Hyde seems so absolutely swallowed up in this. Actually, it's easier to just say I loved all of this. Thank you for sharing.
I'm now going to listen to the song... I think it might sound a little different after this :)
Actually for a moment I thought of not posting this fic because it is quite different from what I use to write but I'm truly glad you liked it :D
I don't know what else to say, but... thank you :D
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