Lots of stuff to talk about.
First things first: Look who arrived~!
This is a Soom Gena head, previously R727's Falen. She is currently bodyless, but oh so lovely~! I'm hoping she will be Svetlana Kiminski, Lorien's girlfriend. x3 We shall see who she becomes, ne? I need to get her smaller eyes, and her own wig. I think I'll go with mo-hair for her, I liked how it looked all spikey. 83
So, lot's of stuff to cover. My job has been good. yesterday, a lady came in, buying cat food. She was talking with her mom, so she was really distracted. -_- She ended up leaveing her credit cards and ID behind, and when she left, she dropped her sunglasses and the lens popped out, so she threw them away. >> Since I was bored, I dug them back out ( not really dug, they were right on top ) and fixed them, then noticed she had left her cards. I turned them into the Manager, and they put it in the Cash Office. ^^ So today she came by, and she was so thankful when I recognized her and told her I fixed her sunglasses. She was really happy, and it made me feel all warm inside, lol.
The customers are pretty good at petsmart, ignoring the few druggies and attempted theives we have had. >> Except for one lady, the 'Purple Friskies Cat Lady', as I have come to call her. She's just really snippy and harsh. She doesn't say much, but what she does say makes you feel stupid and kind of like a jerk. -_- Even though you didn't do anything. the first time I met her, my manager yelled at me because she went into the back, where OBVIOUSLY your not suppose to go, and my manager thought I let her back there. -_- Which I didn't. And then today she asked me why I scanned this item twice, when there were two boxes of it, and I only thought there were one, so I scanned two. -_- She made me feel like I was an idiot. It was kind of annoying.
But work is fun. <3 I get to see so many animals, like snakes, Great Dane puppies, and sugar gliders. 83
And it's a really small world, you know? one of my managers is married to a guy I knew in High School, whos' one of my brothers friends that he sees every week. XD
Though there was drama yesterday... -_- A guy I have a long history with, back from High School, suddenly showed up at work yesterday. It was... surprising. I ended up calling my best bud when I got home and breaking down over the phone. --_-- Not to mention that yesterday morning, I nearly lost my wallet. if I hadn't returned my book yesterday, I never would have realized it was missing. I spent about half an hour fuitlessly searching for it, on the verge of tears in my car when a sweet blonde woman asked if my name was 'Anna', and said she thinks she foudn my wallet. TT-TT God bless that woman, wherever, whoever she is. I was nearly crying.
XD So I broke down twice yesterday, lol. no fun there.
Then the night before, I almost got in an argument with my father. I owe him Insurance money, and so he's demanded $50 from my next paycheck, and to see my check stub. -_- Now, I don't feel bad about it, but at the time, it was just one of those things where I felt like I was being yelled at, and that he was being wholly unfair. So half of my paycheck goes to dad, and the other half goes in the Suberbans unfillable gas tank. =_= Stupid car.
Uuuuuum, yeah~! Is there anything else?
I have a decision to make.
I can either have Mikail, a Crobidoll YS, with a custom faceup. They come with eyes I beleive.
I can have a Limited DOD Elf Kirill, with all of his origional stuff. Like, everything.
The Kirill I think will be... about $20-$30 dollars more. T_T I don't know which one to choose anymore. on one hand, I would really love to have Mikail. That would be so awesome. On the other hand, I've always like the Elf Kirill, and this is the only one I've seen that is coming with EVERYTHING. But I don't have a character for him....
TT_TT I dunno which to choose. Both are to good to be true, and I'm still suspiscious ( >> I'm talkin to you Bec. XD ), but it's adamant....
D: What do you think?