Jeez, I need to remember how much I like livejournal. T_T I keep forgetting to come and check this place. SO I'm sorry for all the posts I'm sure I missed.
For the record, I'm begining to fall in love with this song as much as I'm in love with the video. *v* MEN IN SUITS. MY WEAKNESS.
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On that note, I need to get Mikail a suit. Badly. I will be satisfied if I can get that for him. Along with a wig that fits. :3 And Shin can have his current wig. It all works for the better.
...Maybe I'll sell some of my wigs. >> That's a thought, isn't it. Hn.
Ok, Update anyone? I got a new doll. Mikail, a Crobidoll YS with a Type B faceup. <3 I'm falling more in love with him every day.
He is lovely, is he not?
I need to get him a suit. Anyway, um, Shin's faceup is beginning to... disappear. Like, seriously, his eyebrows are almost gone. T_T So I am going to redo it. >< I am building up my courage. So we will see how it goes. *breaths deeply* I really want to do it... but I'm afriad, you know? It will be alright. >< I will do it tommorow! *punches fist in air*
Lorien is fine. I wanna get him a spiky wig again though. >< That is my next buy, is wigs. Alex is good too, the little brat. XD more clothes are coming in for him, not that he NEEDS any. *le sigh* I'm going to put in some more tattoo's tonight/tommorow. (Or actually, later today, seeing how it's 3am.)
Huzzah for everything. XD I'll make another post tommorow... maybe.
...And I like this one too.
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