So, a few months ago, I entered
hpvamp 's Vampentine gift exchange.
I recived this fic as a gift:
Kite String Author:
mayushi Gift for:
luttie pairing: H/D
Rated: PG13 for a little language and VERY mild bloodplay
Word count: 2138, give or take a few...
You be a kite, and I'll be your kite string. Okay? - Kennedy to Willow, BtVS
I recived it some time ago [a very long time ago], but didn't had time to post it [and then fogate to].but now that I know who wrote this peace of brilliance, I decided to post it here with mine as well, lol.
( to read it, click the title )
For the same exchange, I wrote this fic:
"Vampire's First Heaven" Author:
luttie a.k.a. me.
Gift for:
rakina Pairing: Harry\Remus
rating: R maybe NC-17 to be safe.
Warnings: Rimming; It's not fluff but it's near; there's a little bit describe rimming scan but the sex itself isn't so described. And, that all the warning that is needed, well, except maybe the vampire fact...
Disclaimer: I am J. K. Rowling. Well, maybe only in my must wild dream's. Anyway, all the characters are hers and so I don't receive any money for it, I'm just having fun.
Summary: After defeating The Dark Lord, Harry collapsed from magic-exhaustion. In the time Harry sleeps in the clearing in the wood, a surviving vampire from Voldemort's defeated ranks stumbled upon him and in revenge he turned him into a vampire. When Harry wakes up next, his in the hospital wing and his Professor in DADA from third year, Remus Lopin, is sitting next to his bed and Harry has a hunger for his blood.
Author's notes: I have to say many thanks for my beta
summerborn, she is a wonderful beta. She made the beta twice for me and encouraged me, So all the mistakes are mine alone!
Original request: "rimming (no biting there please!), if Harry's involve make him under - 18, If Remus is in, the other partner to be the vamp. Set at Hogwarts please" in here own words and all done.
( to read this, please click the title )
So, this is all. Everything that is about the Vampentine gift exchange in