2day i got 2 drive the sea doos around the lake all by my self and my dad was on the other 1...i was 16 for the day...it was funfun...and now im bored doin my history report thing it sucks!!!and im pissed cuz my parents are at the colorado river without me!!:(
wow yesterday i went to pismo beach!!! and went quad runnin in the dunes that were huge!!! and it was soo fun.....and now my hands kinda hurt cuz i was holding on soo tight
wow yesterday i met adam and james from maroon 5 and i got their autograph it was soo excited i saw my friend chelsea and i havent seen her in like 4 eva and so i was happy....2niht im goin 2 sushi with my sis and her bf so it will b coool
with caitlin playin tag on the dirtbikes and ya its funfun!! and i did a nac nac and cait did a point back it was cool..ya so 2day me cait marissa and cleo r goin 2 go see julia compete 4 gymnastics at ucla and ya
wow so 2day britt was here and we went on the trampoline in the rain and like slipped it was fun stuff then we jumped in the pool it was sooooo cold and ya fun stuff huh
hey yesterday we lost our game in over time it was sad...but w/e then i saw the movie with lindsay lohan with a lot of peeps i thought it was good...and then yesterday we also went to the museum it was sad
im at caitlin's house right now funfun...we r listening to music and stuff...and we r tryin to find stuff and 2morrow we r goin 2 mammoth wow im excited cuz we r goin 2 meet marissa and beau and jeffrey up there so yay im happy
hey right now im with caitlin and we just watched freaky friday best movie ever!! on friday we watched urban legends with like a billion peeps and it was freaky deaky dude!! and i was with marissa on sat with this guy beau and he was dressed up like a grl kinda creepy but ya.... <3 krista