Acutally, you DON'T have to respect your president. Our whole democracy system was based on the freedom to overthrow our rule if we thought him unfit. If you want to just accept your leader no matter what his actions are, like dragging the country through war, than move to a monarchy-run country.
P.S. it's not liberal views that upset me, its the ignorance behind people who claim they have those views and can't support their beliefs. I hate when people rampage around spitting our what's on the top of their heads without really digging, it's the learned that will go far, the ignorant will be forever griping and complaining because of their foolish actions! By the way, you can't overthrow a president, you can impeach one, but thats highly unlikely, and we've only ever had three of those in our past, funny enough being Clinton, Nixon and Johnson two of the three were democrats, hmm... must be saying something, and Nixon was not realy impeached, he resigned and the only reason that Nixon was allegedly impeached was the supposed 'watergate scandal'which is still a question.... come on, keep the arguments comming, I've got evidence, bring it!
it makes me feel a little better when i see young republican girls out there. rock on girl! and make kevin republican too! now! (thats not very "democracy" of me but whatever)
with all do respect to everyone that has posted here especially the owner of the original entry part of the bigger point that is missed is that Kerry or any president for that matter does not necessarily write his own speeches, believe everything he says to the fullest, or any number of things. Part of it is that his support group and the people working for and with him bring up points that they believe will get them into office, keep them in office, help the economy what so be it, just realize its not all the person running but the office and support in that office and many factors
Though there is a lot of truth to what you are saying, do remember, a president runs for office under the premise that he will have to deal with political views. Though he may have his advisers and speech-writers, they don't just hand him an obscure piece of paper, he must read it and approve it before he says it. And though I don't know this for a fact, I'm pretty sure that he gives the speech writer a list of everything that he wants included in his speech. What he says are primarily his views, though not his exact words. Just food for thought...
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