
Aug 26, 2005 21:44

hello everyone! i kno its been like a frickin year since i've updated but i really have not been in the mood to tell ya the truth!! School is goign fin i guess..i only have like major classes cuz im taking art and choir so i just have social justice, algebra II, chemistry, and english. not too bad i guess. i think the english teacher is a bitch ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

mermaid1106 August 27 2005, 04:41:07 UTC
yeah, myler pretty much sucks.
hopefully we'll figure out the lineup within the week.
it would be so much easier if we had an actual jv/jv coach


luvbug4 August 28 2005, 01:30:44 UTC
do u kno when the next practice is or whatever??


mermaid1106 August 29 2005, 03:32:20 UTC
monday is a game
then regular practice that week unless we have another game
i dont have the schedule with me
qll practices after full days of school are 3:30-5 i think


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