Title: Little Roll
luvdaisuke Pairing: NONE. SURPRISED?
Rating: PG13
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: I own Johnny's. LOL JK.
WARNING: It's really short.
It was dark. The rain splattered hard upon the wet concrete, seemingly not to let up. He held the rolled up paper between his fingers. It's cool; he told himself. He didn't need anyone to be there for him. Certainly not any of his so called friends. They didn't pay much attention to him at all; especially since they didn't know what was going on in his brain.
He needed somewhere safe. A place where he could express himself. Where he could finally be considered the cool one.
If only he could stop himself from lifting the roll to his lips, a lighter held close to the end of the paper. If only he didn't light the cigarette in his hands, and let the fumes ignite a fire within his body. He was alive; a burning sensation poured through his veins. He was finally alive. He opened his eyes, a small smile spread across his face. He could see the beauty that the small little roll brought him. He let himself breathe another long drag from the cigarette. Heaven.