This Journal Is Friends Only....

Dec 25, 2020 10:50

Hi! Welcome to my lil place on the internet. As you can see, my Journal became Friends Only (as of February 8, 2007). I would be happy to add you, but first, let me introduce myself and tell you a bit about me.

*My name is Audrey. I am 31 years old. I have two small children, Michael and Madison, and my family occupies most of my life, and therefore, most of my journal. I am married to Joshua and he is an amazing man-most of the time.*

*I like the Gilmore Girls, True Blood, Doctor Who, House, Dexter, Teen Mom, Glee and a few other shows as well.*

*I love to read.*

*I love my family.*

*I work part time. I do not have the financial resources to be a stay at home mom, and sometimes this makes me sad.*

*I am a real person, with real feelings.*

*I have struggled with weight issues my whole life.*

*We just bought our first home in late 2009. It's a trip and it's scary sometimes.*

*I do friends sweeps every few months. This doesn't mean I delete people at random, it means I take a look at the people on my friends list and determine if they a) ever update, b) if we have stuff in common, and c) if we actually communicate with each other. I don't make a big deal about it as the people removed don't really talk to me anyhow so you'll rarely see anything about it.*

*I make graphics at
. And if you happened here from there, great ;) But if you only want to add me to request graphics/or because you like my graphics, please reconsider. I will be keeping up with my friends list and you won't stay long if we don't have anything in common.*

So, if you are still interested, or want to know anything else, please feel free to comment here :)
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