Ok, so incase you didnt know; my life revolves around animals. I love them. They are my world.
Last night I had been partying with my friends and I was on my way home.
I was driving and I saw what looked like a log in the road. By the time I got to it, I realized it was anything but a log. I slammed on my breaks in time for my car to go *babump* Babump*
I knew then, my whole goal in life was thrown out the window. (That goal being to dedicate my life to saving animals)
I flipped a bitch, trembling. I thought, its too late, whats done is done, you cant undo it, but you cant just leave it, turn around Jen turn around. And thats what I did. On the two lane street I pulled up right before it, and I saw what looked like a dog. A mix maybe? a lab? All of maybe 35 pounds. And I lost it.
I sobed for a good 7-8 minuites before I brought myself to flash my high beams. And I did, and there laid a dead animal.
Again, I lost it. Finally I decided, that I needed to do the respectful thing and try to put it to the side of the road. I then realized that though it maybe only weighed 35 pounds the guilt in my heart weighed a good 700 more pounds and I just couldnt move it.
Completly distraught I called
Michiluv (at 4am) No answer. So I called
Vasanum . Answer!!! I told him what I knew, which wasn't much, being so distraught and he calmly gave me the number to animal control. So I called, and it went straight to the answering service. Well I obviously couldnt leave him there, so I did what any wanna be Vet-Tech would do and turned my car off, popped my trunk and looked for anything I could use to move the dog without actually touching it, as too avoid disease transfer to my dogs.
I found a plastic bag and some papers and gathered my strength and started pushing the dog to the side. The more I looked at him, the more I realized, this wasnt a dog at all, but a coyoted, none the less, I dedicated my heart to any animal, and as he was an animal, I continued my duty to move him to the side of the road.
At first calmly, and then more and more sorrowfully, I moved him. After about 15 minutes, a truck rolled by stopping where I was and and a cute guy rolled his window down saying "Hey, do you need help?" With tears in my eyes, I said "I hit him and I dont know what to do" Annoyed he said "Oh, well if I see help Ill send it" and he drove off. I kept trying to move him but with every minute it was like he gained 10 more pounds. I just couldnt move him. Finally 30 minutes rolled by and I noticed a car coming up the hill. I thought, great, another asshole willing to stop and check me out, but not help. Until I noticed not 2 but 3 head lights. Two headlights and a spot light. Only one kind of car had that. A police car. A giant weight was lifted off my shoulder as I literally ran to the cop as he pulled up behind me-
Officer- "Are you ok Ma'am?
Me - OH THANK GOD!! Im so glad to see you! (with tears ROLLING down my face!)
Officer - What's wrong? Are you ok?
Me - I hit...sob...him...he's dead but I didnt see him run infront of me...I dont think I killed him...but hes dead and I can't move him...hes just too heavy and I called animal control but they are off duty and I called my friends but I just didnt...sob...know what to do and Ive been tring to move him but hes just too....sob...heavy...and...
Officer -...Oh Ma'am, you didnt kill him (officer gets out of car)...look, heres the plate, another officer hit him on a chase, I was called here to move him...are you ok? Look! he straight knocked the plate of the offecers car (shows me the license plate on the side of the road) Here let me do this...(moves animal to the side of the road) Is your car ok? These guys cause ALOT of damage to cars, let me look. (Officer checks out my integra)
Me - Oh, dont worry about my car, any damage can be fixed, its not a problem, I thought I killed him and I work at an animal emergency room, and I...
Officer - Really? Im sorry you had to see this...
Me - No, Its' ok, I see this all the time, but when it actually happens to you, I just didnt know what to do! God! Im so glad you were here! Thank you so much! I just, I thought I killed him and I didnt know what to do. Thank you officer.
Officer - Thats no problem Ma'am. Have a good night.
As I got back in my car, the picture of the wild dog with his tongue hanging out of his mouth wouldnt leave my mind except to allow the picture of Kody with his tongue hanging out to enter. I raced home and havent let go of Kody since. I would add to this story the story of the Chihuaha/Pomeranian I had to deal with earlier tonight that got chewed up and spit out (Literally) by a Pitbull, but I just dont have the strength. Maybe tomorrow. But for tonight, I am going to bed, and no one better expect anything less then Kody glued to my side for the rest of my life. I couldn't bear to see him the way I saw that wild dog tonight.