Title: "Banished"
luvvycat Characters: Young Elizabeth Swann; James Norrington, Weatherby Swann (mentioned)
Rating: G
BPS Prompt(s): Party, Wig, and Remember
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
Elizabeth slammed her door, tearing the dainty combs from her hair. It wasn’t as if she’d wanted to attend Father’s boring old dinner-party anyway! Banishment from such tedium was actually a blessing, not punishment!
Still, her cheeks flamed as she remembered the horrified look on Father’s face when she’d told Lieutenant Norrington (who’d arrived, to her startlement, sporting a fancy new white wig for the first time) that he appeared to have a goose nesting under his hat!
Besides, the Lieutenant didn’t seem to take offence. He did laugh, after all!
As would Will, when she told him about it…