Title: "Learning by Example"
luvvycat Characters: Jack Sparrow, Will Turner
Rating: PG13/Soft R
BPS Prompt: Love
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: PotC is Disney's, not mine. *sniff*
“Tell me, William,” Jack’s glinting eye regarded him from the Interceptor‘s helm. “Say you succeed in wooing and winning your ladylove’s hand. What of the wedding night?”
Will frowned. “What do you mean?”
“Love’s all well and good, lad. But have you any experience pleasuring females? If not, there’s a pair o’ wenches in Tortuga who’d be willin’, for the shillin’, to demonstrate any number of effective techniques.”
Will spluttered, blushing. “Surely you’re not suggesting I avail myself of these women’s… favours.”
“Certainly not! The wenches are for me. But...” Jack grinned wickedly. “You’re welcome to come watch… and learn.”